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"Coalition for Peace could be presented in September" (BETA, B92)

Opposition LDP leader Cedomir Jovanovic has over the past few months discussed the establishment of the Coalition for Peace with "individuals from the region."

As he said, the organization could be presented in September, Beta agency was told by the party.

Jovanovic had meetings in Zagreb, Podgorica, Pristina, Sarajevo, and will soon go to Skopje to talk to people who also have the idea of connecting in the region.

Cedomir Jovanovic: Opposition has no solution for Kosovo (TV N1)

Leader of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Cedomir Jovanovic said he is talking to everyone about the Coalition for Peace, which he proposes and that it is not just a pre-election project. He asked who is against the idea of reaching an agreement on Kosovo? The opposition’s Alliance for Serbia does not have a solution for Kosovo, Jovanovic added.

Commenting on the current political scene in Serbia, he said Serbia needs an alternative but that the current opposition is not particularly visible.

Djuric: We are for compromised and not unilateral solutions (RTS)

Serbia will cooperate with the Special Court for KLA crimes, and it would be good if there are even theoretic chances that some of the criminals are punished, however, we should not have unrealistic expectations, Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said speaking for the RTS news edition.

Djuric added, Belgrade is for a compromised solution when it comes to Kosovo and will not accept unilateral impositions.

Srpska Lista: Jovanovic tries to continue his career in KiM, LDP reaction of Srpska Lista hypocritical (Tanjug, RTS)

Srpska Lista issued a press statement over the visit of LDP leader Cedomir Jovanovic to Pristina last week, Serbian media reported.

“Cedomir Jovanovic worn out politician and obedient person of foreign mentors in an attempt to please his sponsors and earn a few more USD from Albanian lobby, visited Pristina and recited loudly wishes of Albanians, attacking his own state and Srpska Lista,” the press statement reads.

Kurti and Jovanovic on past in Balkans (RTS, Blic)

Leader of Vetevendosje, Albin Kurti met with leader of LDP, Cedomir Jovanovic in Pristina, Kurti wrote on his Facebook profile.

Kurti said Jovanovic played decisive role in sending Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague, and added they spoke about political developments, social and economic conditions, the situation in the region as well as challenges in European integration.