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Vetevendosje MP: Announcement of the US official on demarcation, misunderstood (Indeksonline)

The biggest opposition political party of Kosovo, Vetevendosje, assessed the visit of the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department, Victoria Nuland as positive. Kosovo Assembly MP from this party, Shqipe Pantina, told Indeksonline that Nuland did not request from the MPs to vote the agreement on demarcation of the border with Montenegro, signed by Thaçi. She also does not consider the fact that Nuland did not meet opposition parties as problematic.

Veseli: Border demarcation soon at the Assembly (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli said in today’s plenary session that the agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro will soon be brought to the Assembly for ratification. However, he suggested that a debate with MPs and civil society takes place beforehand. “I believe they are ready to join a round table before the issue comes to the Kosovo Assembly,” said Veseli.

12 Serb families to return to Mushtisht near Suhareka (Indeksonline)

The news site reports that an agreement has been reached for the return of 12 Serb families to the village of Mushtish, in the municipality of Suhareka. The municipality will built 12 houses for the families in the area where they used to live before. According to unofficial sources, the Serb families have also demanded an executive post in the municipality.

KLA War Veterans: EULEX should not have executive competencies (Indeksonline)

Smajl Elezaj, chairman of the War Veterans of the Kosovo Liberation Army, said in an interview for the news site that the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) should not have executive competencies. “As War Veterans, four years ago we called for the end of EULEX. Even if Kosovo’s institutions decide that the mission should still be here, we believe that it should only have an advisory role and no executive competencies,” Elezaj said. “The time has come for our judiciary to assume competencies.

Thaçi: EULEX, a successful mission whose new mandate will reflect Kosovo’s reality (Indeksonline)

The President of Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, met today with Gabrielle Meucci, the out-going head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). “I thank you for the work that you have done. You have successfully led a complex organization and you managed to do so thanks to your wisdom and calmness,” Thaçi told Meucci. Thaçi added that EULEX is a successful mission and that it will continue to operate in Kosovo albeit with a new mandate that will reflect the reality in Kosovo.

Haradinaj supports government’s decision on EULEX (Indeksonline/Botapress)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said on Friday he supports the decision of the Kosovo government to extend EULEX’s mandate in Kosovo for another two years.  According to him, EULEX is still necessary in Kosovo because Kosovo is failing in the justice area. “Kosovo is failing in the rule of law and therefore EULEX’s presence is still necessary in Kosovo.  However, EULEX should be active throughout Kosovo, even in the north,” Haradinaj said.

Hyseni: 33 indictments against participants in foreign wars (Indeksonline)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, during the Assembly session today said that within the period of one year, since the law that prohibits participation in foreign wars entered into force, the prosecution filed 33 criminal charges against persons who participated in foreign wars. “The law was very effective because there has been 10 months now that no one from Kosovo traveled to participate in foreign wars. Excluding two attempts in November which were prevented by the Kosovo Police,” Hyseni said.

Slovenian President urges all states to recognize Kosovo (Indeksonline)

Slovenia’s President, Borut Pahor, said yesterday in Ljubljana that Kosovo should be recognized by all countries, especially neighbouring ones. “We support Kosovo’s need to be  recognized by all countries, especially neighbouring ones, and to be included in all international organisations,” Pahor said at the opening of economic forum during Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi’s visit to Ljubljana.

AAK still undecided whether to return to Assembly (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) responded positively to the call for a joint meeting between the three opposition parties, initiated by the leader of Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri. AAK’s senior member and spokesperson, Muharrem Nitaj, told the news site that the AAK is ready for a joint meeting, however, they first need to know the topics to be discussed during that meeting.  “We are open to meet anyone, but it depends on what will be discussed during those meetings.

Thaci in Sofia: Let us build trust and cooperation (Indeksonline)

Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci, is attending the summit of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Sofia, Bulgaria. Thaci said the meeting is very important to discuss the next steps of the region in the context of regional integration and also integration in the EU and NATO. “We are meeting at a very important time for the region. Now is the time to make additional constructive steps for our integration. Meetings, conversations and dialogue between all countries in the region are now a normality.