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War invalids warn LDK MP not to vote in favor of demarcation deal (Indeksonline)

The Association of KLA War Veterans, the branch in Podujevo, has called on Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Nuredin Ibishi, not to vote in favor of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Avni Ajeti, a KLA war invalid, told Indeksonline: “Nuredin Ibishi knows that the border delineation with Montenegro is wrong and yet again he has decided to vote in favor of the agreement. If he knows that the border delineation is wrong, he should not vote in favor.

“Demarcation in full compliance with Peja’s local development strategy” (media)

Kosovo government commission on border-demarcation with Montenegro has published a press statement saying that the demarcation with Montenegro is in full compliance with Peja/Pec’s local development strategy. “The amount of municipal areas comprises the total surface of Kosovo. The administrative boundary lines between municipalities of Junik, Decan, Peja and Istog in Kosovo and municipalities Plave, Beran and Rozaje in Montenegro were and also are the boundary line between Kosovo and Montenegro in the entire period from 1974 to 2015.

Çollaku: No visa liberalization without ratifying demarcation deal (Indeksonline)

Kosovo’s European Integration Minister, Bekim Çollaku, said on Wednesday that the European Union might not discuss the visa liberalization issue for Kosovo if the Kosovo Assembly does not ratify the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro.  “The European Parliament has made it clear that the ratification of this agreement is a condition for visa liberalization. If the Assembly does not ratify the border-demarcation agreement, the EU might not even discuss the visa liberalization issue,” Çollaku said.

AAK and NISMA urge MPs not to vote demarcation deal (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) during a joint press conference today urged the Kosovo Assembly MPs not to vote the border-demarcation deal with Montenegro.  AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj said that sending the border-demarcation agreement to the Assembly for ratification was the wrong choice. “Today the leadership will decide when to send the demarcation agreement to the Assembly. This is the wrong choice and is being opposed by the opposition and citizens.

Kadaj-Bujupi: Kosovo has no land to give away (Indeksonline)

The Vetëvendosje Movement MP, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, said on Tuesday that nothing can stop Vetëvendosje to oppose the border-demarcation deal with Montenegro. “We will not stop opposing this harmful agreement, because Kosovo has no land to give away. Arrests and other efforts cannot stop us,” Kadaj-Bujupi said.

Montenegro urges Kosovo to ratify border-demarcation agreement (BIRN/Indeksonline)

Montenegro’s Deputy Prime Minister, Dusko Marković, in a statement for BIRN has urged Kosovo to fulfill its part of the border-demarcation agreement without further delay. Marković expressed concern that while parliament in Montenegro ratified the agreement at the end of last year, Kosovo has yet to complete its part.

Vetëvendosje to participate in the debate on demarcation (Indeksonline)

Vetëvendosje Movement parliamentary group coordinator, Naim Jakaj, today confirmed that representatives of this party will participate in the debate on border-demarcation with Montenegro scheduled for 3 August. Jakaj did not give any names on who will represent Vetëvendosje but said there will be MPs and experts on the issue. “We don’t have a final list yet because we are waiting for confirmation from some of the professors and experts. We will publish the list of participants within a few days,” Jakaj said.

Lekaj: No more teargas in the Assembly (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) parliamentary group chiefs called on their opposition colleagues not to ratify the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Pal Lekaj from AAK said that all the MPs should say no to demarcation, for they have a duty to protect the interests of  the citizens. He said there will be no more teargas in the Assembly, since according to him, the gas has already shown its results and there is no need to be used again.

Đurić in Drenica region today, accompanied by Kosovo Police (Indeksonline)

Marko Đurić, director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, will visit the Drenica region today, specifically the Devic Monastery in the Skenderaj/Srbica municipality. The news website learns that the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs has allowed Đurić to stay in Kosovo for two days. A Kosovo Police spokesman confirmed that police will accompany Đurić during his visit.