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 The three opposition leaders sign the petition (All media)

The three leaders of the united opposition in Kosovo, Visar Ymeri (Vetevendosje), Ramush Haradinaj (AAK) and Fatmir Limaj (NISMA), signed today the petition which requests rejection of the recent agreements reached in Brussels between Pristina and Belgrade and demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

After signing the petition, AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj said that the reached agreements do not harm Kosovo only politically, but on the judicial and economic aspects as well.

Collaku: We have met the visa liberalization criteria (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s European Integration Minister, Bekim Collaku, said today that Kosovo has met all the visa liberalization criteria and that it expects the European Union to recommend the visa liberalization for Kosovo citizens and to sign the Stabilization/Association Agreement. Collaku made these remarks after meeting the French Ambassador to Kosovo Maryse Daviet. Collaku and Daviet discussed Kosovo’s request to become a member of the UNESCO, and Daviet reconfirmed France’s support in this respect.

Thaci: Violence is unacceptable (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, met today with the new commander of KFOR troops, Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta. “Deputy Prime Minister Thaci briefed COMKFOR Miglietta on the achievements in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the developments of the last month. DPM Thaci said Kosovo has excellent relations with its neighbors and that it has started the process of normalization of relations with Serbia that contributes to peace and stability in the region,” a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted.

Selimi in Rome, convinced that Kosovo will join UNESCO (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, visited Rome and Vatican as part of lobbying for Kosovo to secure the support of the Holy See and Italy for Kosovo's membership in UNESCO.  "The United States, France, Britain, Germany and Italy are on our side in our battle to join UNESCO. The battle will be tough, but we will succeed, " Selimi told the Italian news agency ANSA.

Hyseni: We will respond to violent protests by law (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, told TV Dukagjini that in case that there would be violence in the future protests in Kosovo, the law very clearly describes how to react when the rule of law is violated and public and private property is damaged. He said that the government doesn’t perceive as security threats the announcements of some parliamentary groups regarding future protests. According to him, no individual can challenge and threaten the state.

Vetevendosje activists throw paint at Prime Minister’s car (media)

All news sites report that several activists of the Vetevendosje Movement threw paint at the car of Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa as he was going to work this morning. The Vetevendosje Movement claimed responsibility for the act saying that they want to remind Mustafa that he should not damage the state of Kosovo by forming the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Vetevendosje spokesperson Frasher Krasniqi told Telegrafi:“the idea [behind the action] is to obstruct the work of a man who is making Kosovo dysfunctional”.

Mustafa: Constitution of Kacanik laid foundations of our state (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, on the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Kosovo in 1990, said this day marks one of the most important dates in the path of the people of Kosovo toward freedom, democracy and independence. Mustafa said the Constitution of Kacanik laid the foundations for the independent state of Kosovo and proved the unwavering determination of the people of Kosovo to realize their state-building aspirations.

Kurti: We are getting ready for powerful protests (Telegrafi)

Former Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti said in an interview for Radio Dukagjini that they are making all preparations to stage protests against the government of Kosovo. He said that Vetevendosje officials are already organizing gatherings with people in different cities to inform them about what the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities really brings. “We could have organised protests but we want them to be powerful and this is why we are taking more time to prepare future protests,” said Kurti.


Serb man arrested for throwing chemical substance near Mitrovica water supply (Telegrafi)

Mitrovica has been shaken up following the arrest of a man caught throwing chemical substance in Iber River, near the water supply company. However, director of the Mitrovica water company Kadri Istrefi, said detailed tests of the water were carried out and all came clear. “The water of the Mitrovica regional water company has not been poisoned,” said Istrefi. Meanwhile, Kosovo Police said it has arrested a Serb man late last night under the suspicion of throwing a chemical substance in the river, about 2km from Zubin Potok.