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Second “One in Five Million” protest held in Mitrovica, reaction of Srpska Lista (KoSSev, TV Most)

Second “One in Five Million” protest took place in Mitrovica on Saturday and ended without major incidents, KoSSev portal reports.

The main request of participants in the protest was to shed the light on the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, but they also voiced stances against unification of Mitrovica, Pristina’s tariffs as well as a request to release Zoran Djokic, arrested at Jarinje crossing point, almost a month ago.

Protest participants were verbally insulted by group of young men who uttered various insults.

Two “One in Five Million” protests to be held in Kosovo (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reports that two protests “One in Five Million” would take place in Kosovo and Metohija. The protest in Gracanica takes place this evening at 18:00, while in Mitrovica North it would take place tomorrow, starting at the same time.

Protestors in Gracanica have two main questions – What is a delineation? And what is the compromise?

Organizers of Mitrovica North protest said the gathering would start at Tsar Lazar monument, and then to proceed to Sutjeska Street where Oliver Ivanovic was murdered and then back to the Tsar Lazar monument, KoSSev portal reported.

Serbian opposition party says its official threatened over Mitrovica protest (TV N1)

The Serbian opposition Peoples’ Party said on Friday that a Kosovo Serb mayor had threatened to fire one of its officials for speaking at a protest “One in Five Million” in Mitrovica North on February 2.

The statement said that (Serbian-run) Vucitrn municipality president Aca Misic threatened to fire Peoples’ Party official Aleksandar Stojanovic, ordering him to give a written statement about what he termed as “attacks on the Serbian president and the mention of fascism”.

“One in Five Million“ protest in Gracanica this Saturday: What does demarcation mean? (KoSSev)

Following “One in Five Million“ protest walk in Mitrovica North last Saturday and unclear statements by the organizers whether it will be held again, news arrived that another protest walk would be held in Kosovo, but this time in Gracanica, KoSSev portal reports.

The demands of this protest will be “to stop the media darkness and to stop party employment“ and a question “for Serbia to explain what does demarcation mean“.

Son of Oliver Ivanovic: Our entire family takes part in protests (Danas, Radio kontakt plus)

Nikola Ivanovic, son of assassinated leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic, told Danas daily that entire Ivanovic’s family takes part in the protests “One in Five Million.”

Commenting on his participation in the first protest organized in Mitrovica North on Saturday, Nikola Ivanovic said “it is not only part of his family supporting the protest, they are all together in that.”

Djuric, Srpska Lista react on protest walk in Mitrovica North (B92, KoSSev, BETA)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said yesterday in a news conference that protest walk in Mitrovica North “One of Five Million” is a failure in a political sense, BETA news agency reported.

“In a political sense that gathering has failed. If you have less than 60 persons and they are hired activities, plus bringing people from Kraljevo (…) I would not enter the story on the flows of the money. I have the impression there were people who had to come, what they can do, they have nothing to live on,” Djuric told journalists.

“One of Five Million” protest held in Mitrovica North: No more terror (KoSSev)

The first “One of Five Million” protest was held on Saturday in Mitrovica North. Around one hundred people attended the protest. Their demands, as they say, are simple – they want to know who the perpetrators and instigators of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic are, and for everyone in Serbia to have the right to think freely, KoSSev portal reports.

Protest against annexation of Mitrovica North to be held tomorrow (Politika, Tanjug)

A protest “Against annexation of Kosovska Mitrovica” will be organized at noon tomorrow, in front of EULEX premises in Mitrovica North, Tanjug news agency reports.

Rector of Pristina University, temporarily dislocated to Mitrovica North, Rade Grbic, Student Vice-Rector, Nemanja Bisevac and director of the Clinical and Hospital Centre in Mitrovica north urged citizens from Kosovo to massively gather and in a peaceful protest, express their dissatisfaction caused by Pristina measures, including tariffs on the Serbian goods and announced plans about Mitrovica,

Djuric on possibility of elections, tariffs and meeting with Serbs in Kosovo (Prva TV, BETA, B92, TV N1, Danas, KoSSev)

Representatives of Serbs in Kosovo have shown they can fight and not allow themselves to be merely "a part of folklore," Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said, commenting on the possibility of early parliamentary elections in Kosovo, Serbian media report.

Threats to Marko Jaksic over announced protest in Mitrovica North (RTV KIM, KoSSev, Danas)

After announcing on Twitter that the first "One in Five Million“ protest walk would be held on Saturday in Mitrovica North, the municipal assembly councillor from Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Marko Jaksic received a threat, KoSSev portal reports.