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Djuric: Albanians are not cooperating (Kosovapress)

Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, said today that Albanians are not cooperating to help resolve the killing of several Serbs 15 years ago in the village of Gracka, near Lipjan/Lipjane. “The goal of this cowardly act was to expel Serbs from this village and from the municipality,” Djuric said during the inauguration of a memorial for the Serb victims. Kosovo’s outgoing Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic, who attended the ceremony, said nothing has been done so far to resolve the case.

Twelve interns to get to know Assembly’s work (Kosovapress)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Assembly of Kosovo have signed an agreement for admission of twelve interns in the Assembly. The move is part of the parliamentary development project on social policies.

Agreement was signed by the UNDP director for Kosovo and United Nations Kosovo Team coordinator, Andrew Russell, and the General Secretary of the Kosovo Assembly, Ismet Krasniqi.

Involvement of interns in the Assembly’s work will enable them to get professional knowledge from the parliamentary field during a period of one year.

In two days, 30 thousand people sign petition for raped women (kosovapress)

The number of the signatures of the people who seek international justice for the sexually abused women during the conflict in Kosovo has reached 30 thousand only in two days. However the entire activity will not end on Friday, since the Kosovo Statistics Agency (KSA), will continue with collection of signatures in rural parts of Kosovo until the end of the next week.

Assembly Presidency to set constitutive session agenda tomorrow (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Assembly Presidency will meet tomorrow with representatives of political parties that won seats in the Assembly to decide on the agenda for the constitutive session set to take place on 17 July.

This was confirmed by outgoing Assembly Speaker, Jakup Krasniqi.

“Presidency has been called to meet on Saturday at 11 and it will prepare the agenda for the constitutive session of the new Assembly”, said Krasniqi.

Albanians build also "KLA" square in the north (KosovaPress)

Albanian residents of the north have constructed another square called “UÇK” (KLA), in Mitrovica North. They finished their works last night at around 22:30 hours.

They set six concrete vases and the national flag at the “Three Skyscrapers” road which leads to Suhodoll.

A resident told KosovaPress that the vases were put in a position which would not block the traffic completely, in order not to tension the fragile situation in Mitrovica.

“Adem Jashari” square built in Mitrovica North (kosovapress)

Members of Albanian community in northern Kosovo, built last night “Adem Jashari” square at “Bosniacka Mahalla,” in Mitrovica North.

They worked for approximately three hours at this square, building a concrete vase with a diameter 1.5 meters at the main square in “Bosniacka Mahala,” and ended their works at around 2:30 a.m.

Thaci: Germany helped democratic processes in Kosovo (Kosovapress)

Outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, received in a farewell meeting the German Ambassador to Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer, who is ending his mandate in Kosovo.

Thaci expressed appreciation for the good cooperation between the Government of Kosovo and that of the Federal Republic of Germany and the support the German government has provided in democratic processes in Kosovo.

Considering Germany an ally of Kosovo and one of its strategic partners, PM Thaci expressed the commitment of Kosovo institutions to continue cooperation between the two countries.

Thaci: Now I see the light at the end of the tunnel (Kosovapress)

Hashim Thaci, the outgoing Prime Minister and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), stated that the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and NISMA have bypassed all criteria and principals by creating a “union” based on close personal interests and spite. According to him, this “union” has become factor of the tendency to block expressed will of the population for the New Mission. Thaçi however has faith that this “union” is temporary.

Northern Municipality of Mitrovica to move at the Administrative Office (KosovaPress)

Chief of the Administrative Office in Mitrovica North, Adriana Hodzic, announced that this office will integrate in the new municipal administration, which derived from the latest local elections.

She told KosovaPress that the Administrative Office is basis for the future municipality of Mitrovica North.

According to her, no one should be surprised if the headquarters of the Mitrovica North municipality transfers at the current premises of the Administrative Office soon.