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Maxhuni: We have prevented terrorist incidents (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Police director general, Shpend Maxhuni, said in his report before the Kosovo Assembly Committee on Internal Affairs, Security and Supervision of the Kosovo Security Force that the security situation in Kosovo is calm and stable. He said the Kosovo Police has made progress in the fight against human trafficking as well as economic crime and corruption. Speaking about the threat of possible terrorist attacks in Kosovo, Maxhuni said: “We have managed to prevent terror incidents in different places.

Haradinaj: I don’t expect results from demarcation debate (Kosovapress)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, told the news site that he will participate in the demarcation debate on Wednesday, but doesn’t expect any results from this debate. “The debate on border-demarcation to be held tomorrow is an opportunity to hear the final conclusions by experts. I will be part of the debate but I don’t expect any results from it,” Haradinaj said. He said the AAK will return in the Assembly to oppose the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro.

Willems: Kosovo must work to reach the EU (Kosovapress)

The Netherlands Ambassador to Kosovo, Geri Willems, said today in Pristina that Kosovo is not alone in the path towards the European Union and that all the European countries will help Kosovo. “Kosovo has started the implementation of the SAA which is in fact the first formal contractual relationship in the political dialogue between Kosovo and the EU. No one promised Kosovo a rose garden… it will be difficult in the long term and Kosovo must work hard to reach the EU.

Đurić allowed to enter Kosovo (Kosovapress)

The competent Kosovo institutions have approved the request of the director of the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian government, Marko Đurić, and other delegations to enter Kosovo for the celebration of the feast of "Vidovdan" at Gazimestan. The news site reports that Đurić will participate in the celebration of "Vidovdan" in Gazimestan, to continue then at 16:00, in Mitrovica North where the statue of Tsar Lazar will be unveiled.  Sources told the news site that Đuric will not be allowed to change the planned agenda.

Negligence of state authorities led to establishment of special court (Kosovapress)

Although members of the Kosovo Assembly have already voted in favor of the establishment of the special court, legal experts in Pristina argue that this was a great mistake and an injustice vis-a-vis the state and people of Kosovo. According to these experts, Kosovo’s institutions should have conducted investigations into war crimes allegations.

Key witness in Enver Zymberi case brutally beaten in Zubin Potok (media)

Citing unnamed sources, Kosovapress news agency reports that several people have brutally beaten Slobodan Vučinić, a key witnesses in the assassination of Kosovo Police special unit member Enver Zymberi. Zymberi was killed during a police operation in northern Kosovo in 2011. Sources told the news agency that Vučinić, who was beaten on June 12 in Zubin Potok, is in life-threatening condition and is receiving medical treatment in Belgrade.

Construction works at “Sunny Valley” brought to a halt (Kosovapress)

The construction of 300 houses for Serb returnees in Zveçan/Zvečan funded by Serbian government has been brought to a halt today, sources told the news website. Sources added that the suspension of works came after a meeting the Zveçan/Zvečan Mayor Vučina Janković had with Kosovo’s Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning Ferid Agani and that of Local Government and Administration Ljubomir Marić.

Osmani: Creation of armed forces does not depend on Serbian List (Kosovapress)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Vjosa Osmani said that creation of Kosovo Armed Forces does not depend on the Serbian List MPs. “If we want an army, we can do this in a day. A name does not make an army but the weaponry, number, function, and competencies”, she said.

Kadaj-Bujupi: This regime unable to stretch its sovereignty to Mitrovica (Kosovapress)

In her first Assembly appearance as a member of Vetëvendosje, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi criticized the government of Kosovo for failing to obtain membership in international organisations and stretching authority to the north. She said that the government promised more recognitions, membership in the UN and visa liberalisation. “Now, 17 years after the war, not only did Kosovo not manage to gain UN membership but with this regime it cannot even spread sovereignty to Mitrovica”, said Kadaj-Bujupi.