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''Money spent in northern Kosovo is supporting the leaders and not the people'' (KIM radio)

''Where were the millions of euros invested in the north of Kosovo?'' was a topic of a debate held on Tuesday in Media Centre in Caglavica, reports KIM radio.

Some panelists claimed that there was a detailed report for each euro invested, and that citizens were informed about everything else, others feel that neither councilors nor citizens had information on how the funds have been spent.

Gashi: If PDK leaves the coalition, we will respect their decision (Klan Kosova)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Arben Gashi, told Klan Kosova today that if the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) decides to go to early parliamentary elections, the LDK will respect the decision of their ruling coalition partner. “I don’t think Kadri Veseli [PDK leader] has indicated early elections yet. There is no final decision. We need to wait and then the LDK will have two options, either find another partner in government or go to early elections. We will respect the decision of the Democratic Party,” Gashi said.

Negligence of state authorities led to establishment of special court (Kosovapress)

Although members of the Kosovo Assembly have already voted in favor of the establishment of the special court, legal experts in Pristina argue that this was a great mistake and an injustice vis-a-vis the state and people of Kosovo. According to these experts, Kosovo’s institutions should have conducted investigations into war crimes allegations.

Gashi: Action in the north, an operational issue for the police (Lajmi)

The head of the Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK), Petrit Gashi, said today in Pristina that the action for releasing usurped properties in the northern part of Mitrovica has not failed. Gashi said they are coordinating the matter with the police and prosecution. After meeting Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, Gashi said PAK would apply the same procedures for all usurped properties throughout Kosovo. “The action [in the north] has not failed. We are coordinating with the Kosovo Police and prosecution.


Gashi: Special court will not try Haradinaj or Limaj (Telegrafi)

In an interview for the news site, Pristina-based attorney Tome Gashi said the statute of the special court does not allow for it to try Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), or Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) leader Fatmir Limaj, because both men were acquitted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. “Some of their political rivals are implying that Haradinaj and Limaj could be tried by the special court. However, Haradinaj, as a senior KLA officer, was declared innocent in two occasions by the ICTY.

Gashi: New elections, potential for violence and conflict (Politiko)

LDK MP Arben Gashi told Politiko that new parliamentary elections are not the right solution, “because they would contain a great potential for conflict and clashes between groups and this would be very dangerous for the country”. Gashi said that in order to avoid violent events, the Constitutional Court needs to pave way to the establishment of institutions as quickly as possible. “First we need to wait for the final ruling of the Constitutional Court and then we will make the right decisions,” he added.

Gashi: Our bulldozers are there and ready to remove illegal park on Iber/Ibar bridge (Gazeta Express)

Dardan Gashi, outgoing Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning, told Gazeta Express today that the government is committed to removing the illegal park on Iber/Ibar bridge in Mitrovica. “Our inspectors are there, with bulldozers, and we are determined to remove the illegal construction. We are waiting for them to remove it as we have agreed, but if they don’t, we will intervene. According to my information, the situation there is not very quiet. EULEX members are also there on stand-by,” Gashi was quoted as saying.