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Only one winner from this six-month commotion: Kadri Veseli (Gazeta Blic)

Editor-in-chief of the Gazeta Blic news website, Adrian Collaku, writes that the end of the six-month institutional crisis in Kosovo produced winners and losers. The main losers, according to Collaku, are citizens of Kosovo not only because during the last six months, their living conditions deteriorated even further, but also because the governance remained unchanged. Although the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) will not formally lead the new government, it will have a say on all issues.

This is the agreement that makes Isa Mustafa the Prime Minister (Gazeta Express)

The complete agreement between Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK,) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) on co-governance is already made public.

This agreement clarifies that the two parties agreed to vote Kadri Veseli for the Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa for the Prime Minister of Kosovo, while Thaci will be voted for the President, after the end of the constitutional mandate of the current President.

PDK-LDK agreement signed (, Gazeta Blic)

The leaders of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) have now signed the agreement which enables the creation of new institutions.
Hashim Thaci, leader of the PDK, stated that they signed the agreement for the governing coalition between the PDK and LDK for the years 2014 – 2018. They also agreed on the names that would lead government departments.
Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo – Isa Mustafa
First Deputy Prime Minister – Hashim Thaci
Minister of Foreign Affairs – Hashim Thaci

Surroi to replace Shala as dialogue coordinator? (Indeksonline)

Citing sources close to Kosovar publicist Veton Surroi, the news website reports that negotiations are being finalized for Surroi's inclusion in the future government consisting of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). According to the same sources, Surroi could take up the post held by Blerim Shala, the coordinator of dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade. Shala has reportedly notified LDK and PDK leaders that his party chief, Ramush Haradinaj, no longer wants to have an active role in the dialogue.

PDK doesn't want Mustafa for Prime Minister. Lutfi Haziri a compromise solution? (Gazeta Blic)

A senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), preferring to remain anonymous, told the news website that the majority of PDK members don't want Isa Mustafa, the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), to be the new Prime Minister of Kosovo. The source also said that even if the PDK gives away the Prime Minister post it will insist that Mustafa should not get it. "If the LDK will not back down on the Prime Minister's post, then the PDK will insist that neither Hashim Thaci nor Isa Mustafa should get the post.

Haziri: No Assembly session without agreement with PDK (Indeksonline)

Lutfi Haziri, a member of the chairmanship of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), said on Thursday that the inaugural session of the Kosovo Assembly would not resume without a prior agreement between the LDK and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Haziri also said that "the post of the Prime Minister is a done deal" and that it belongs to the LDK.

PDK wants Prime Minister post until summer 2016! Mustafa will be Assembly Speaker until then! (Gazeta Blic)

Hashim Thaci, leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Prime Minister of Kosovo, will surprise the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) with a new compromise proposal after he returns from New York. It is no longer a secret that Thaci doesn’t want to be left out of the new government. Seeing that President Jahjaga doesn’t plan to give away her post and that she enjoys U.S. support, the PDK leader has decided to offer his highest offer to the LDK.

Beqiri: We have not nominated ministers yet (telegrafi)

Beqiri: We have not divided the ministries (

Ismet Beqiri, member of the leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) has denied the news published in the media that he will be leading with the Ministry of Culture.

He stressed that no decision on the names of the ministers from LDK was made yet. “These are only speculations,” said Beqiri.


Thaci's visit to New York, delays finalizing of the PDK-LDK agreement (indeksonline)

The leaders of the recently created coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK,) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) were excepted to finalize the agreement for the joint governance today. However, it appears that this will be postponed due to the absence of the PDK leader, Hashim Thaci.

According to the sources of Radio Kosova, Thaci traveled today to New York, to participate at the UN Security Council meeting for Kosovo, therefore the agreement will finalize only after his return.

Kosovo Expects to Form Army Soon (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo’s new parliament will vote to transform the security forces into an army as soon as it starts work next month, a senior official said.

"I believe that one of the first decisions of the Kosovo Assembly will be the formalisation of the armed forces of Kosovo,” Agim Ceku, Kosovo’s Security Forces Minister, told the Epoka e Re daily newspaper on Thursday.

“I strongly believe this project will be accomplished because it is a national project of high importance for the country and its citizens," Ceku said.