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Apostolova: "The best solution for continuing dialogue is to abolish the tax" (RTS, RTK2)

Kosovo's progress report confirms its European perspective, but it also shows that there are no shortcuts on the way to the EU, said Nataliya Apostolova, Head of the EU office in Kosovo, adding a glass is half full, and that the continuation of the reforms requires a strong political will of the Assembly and Government.

Ultimatum of the ''Ali Hadri'' historians for the Visoki Dečani monastery: Return the land; we will block the roads towards the monastery (KoSSev)

Web portal KoSSev reported today about the statement of the Association of historians ''Ali Hadri'' concerning the Visoki Dečani monastery and the property issue.

If by April 21 the Kosovo Government does not withdraw the decision of the Agency for Privatization on declaring the property of companies "APIKO" and "Illyria" as a particular national treasure, association of historians "Ali Hadri" shall block the roads towards the monastery of Visoki Dečani.

Trajkovic: The voice of Serbs in the Assembly is not heard (KIM Radio)

In a statement for RTV KiM, former MP in Kosovo Assembly Rada Trajkovic criticized the work of representatives of the Serbian list in the Kosovo institutions, noting that they do not initiate the issues of vital importance for their community. Moreover, they act as a “silent observers.” “We see that Kosovo Assembly is not functioning for months. It does not work because the opposition and the ruling parties do not vote for a quorum, while the Serbs behave as everything is pretty well.

Jevtic: Pristina is unaware of the danger of jihad (Vesti)

“NATO data show that more than 600 people from Kosovo went to fight for the Islamic State, whereas according to official date the number is 300. There is no official information on who they are, who recruited them and how they went there. However, it is believed that a network for recruiting already exists, attracting young and poor people with money,” told Dalibor Jevtic, Kosovo Minister for communities and returns and member of the Security Council of Kosovo.

Islamists from Kosovo shot at Serb houses before the arrest in Decani (Blic)

The investigation against Islamists arrested in front of Decani Monastery was extended because of the suspicion that two hours before they were arrested, they shot at Serb houses in Klina/Kline. Although Kosovo police strongly denied that the four young men are Islamists and that they were planning an attack the monastery of Visoki Decani, the prosecutor from Pec/Peja was of a different opinion.

Father Sava: We do not trust the police (KiM radio)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic, believes that the security, political and economic situation in Kosovo is extremely unstable. An additional element of instability is the rising Islamic fundamentalism, which poses a threat to all inhabitants of Kosovo. "I think that regional cooperation on all safety measures is very important to minimizing risk. Premises that are particularly sensitive, should be better protected," said Father Sava.

Djuric: Institutions should tackle the causes of religious extremism (RTK2)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric said that the incident at Visoki Decani monastery is a warning and reminder that Kosovo institutions must tackle the causes of religious extremism. "This incident reveals the need for Kosovo institutions and politicians in Pristina to address the social causes of religious extremism which threaten the future of all people living in Kosovo, instead of dealing with the non-existent threat in the form of the Association / Community of Serb Municipalities," said Djuric.

Father Sava urges visitors not to come to the monastery (KIM Radio)

Today, the gates of Visoki Decani monastery will not be closed, but visitors are recommended to postpone their visit due to the announced protest. As stated, Association "Historians of Kosovo" announced protest against the decision of the Constitutional Court to halt all court proceedings about the monastery land, till the end of February.  Although there are authoritative documents that the land of ​​25 hectares belongs to the monastery of Visoki Decani, two Albanian companies claim the opposite.