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ARK: We will undertake radical measures if Haradinaj is not released (Telegrafi)

The Alliance of the Youths of Kosovo (ARK), the youth forum of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), issued a reaction today against the “unjust and meaningless detention” of their party leader Ramush Haradinaj by the Slovenian authorities. “We have decided to undertake radical actions that can result in unusual circumstances in the country. This is not what we want, but it is the only solution that is being imposed on us.

Haradinaj reacts on the arrest of AAK official (Gazeta Blic)

Ramush Haradinaj, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), reacted on the arrest of the AAK official, saying that when state security instruments arrest a member of the Presidency of an opposition party, it cannot be called anything but a systematic terror of power towards the voice of the opposition. Muhamet Kelmendi, senior official of the AAK was arrested yesterday by the Kosovo Police in relation to a possible terrorist attack.

AAK regrets involvement of its officials in Kumanovo conflict (Koha)

Heads of parliamentary groups condemned today recent events in Kumanovo, FYROM. Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group,  Adem Grabovci, said a massacre was carried out in Kumanovo stressing that developments there cannot be tied to the establishment of the special court. He said FYROM authorities will have to give explanations about the “massacre they committed against innocent civilians.”


AAK has no confirmation of Xhafer Zymberi’s killing (Kosovapress)

Reports about the killing of Xhafer Zymberi, allegedly member of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, in weekend’s clashes between armed groups and FYROM police, could not be confirmed by AAK. A senior AAK official said they have no official information of Zymberi’s death. “I don’t know why there are attempts to involve the AAK in these events because this person [Zymberi] is part of AAK leading structures or a member of the party,” the unnamed official said.

Haradinaj: AAK deputies will not vote establishment of the special court (

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), has not changed its position on the special court. The leader of this opposition party, Ramush Haradinaj, said today that deputies of his party will not vote establishment of the special court at the Assembly.

“No, I had an opportunity to inform you about this. We have a political position, we do not vote the special court,” he said.

Brussels’ accord, historical or damaging for Kosovo? (IBNA)

It’s been two years since the signing of the Agreement for the Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia.
The accord was signed on April 19, 2013 in Brussels by the prime ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Hashim Thaci and Ivica Dacic, with the brokerage of the EU head of for foreign affairs, Catherine Ashton. The text contains 15 points.

Kosovo opposition stage anti-government protest (Balkan Insight)

Supporters of Kosovo’s three main opposition parties marched through Pristina on Saturday in a largely peaceful protest of the policies of the government of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa.

Several thousand people gathered in Pristina on Saturday at an anti-government protest organised by three main Kosovo opposition parties - Vetevendosje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, and the Initiative for Kosovo, NISMA.

Opposition parties’ action in front of government building (KosovaPress)

Dozens of activists of the three opposition parties, the Vetevendosje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and Initiative for Kosovo, on Friday developed an action in front of the government building, placing a picture of Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci holding a hammer with a picture of Justice Minister Hajredin Kuci. The activists said that as long as Kuci remains Justice Minister, there will be no law and order in Kosovo.

Opposition to boycott the Assembly (Koha)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Vetevendosje Movement and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said today they would boycott today’s and future sessions of the Kosovo Assembly after discussions on the petition with over 30,000 signatures against electricity prices were not included in the agenda. The AAK proposed the discussion but it failed to secure enough votes from MPs. Meanwhile, the three opposition parties held a press conference announcing that they will boycott the Assembly session.

Lawsuit against Serbia to put to vote at Kosovo Assembly soon (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Assembly is expected to vote on the resolution sponsored by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) paving way for Kosovo to sue Serbia for crimes committed in Kosovo. This was confirmed by Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli who said that the resolution needs to be harmonized with other parliamentary groups before put to vote in one of the upcoming Assembly sessions.