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Next Assembly session on Monday (Kosova Press)

The Presidency of the Kosovo Assembly today decided that the next Assembly session to be held on Monday, 2 November. Assembly President Kadri Veseli called on the security authorities to provide security during the session and said that “the security authorities should be held accountable for any drugs, alcohol, teargas and eggs entering the Assembly building.”

Delawie: Recent developments at the Assembly, an obstacle to progress (Klan Kosova)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, stated that the recent developments at the Assembly represent an obstacle to the progress of Kosovo. According to him, corruption continues to be the biggest obstacle to the economic growth. He made these comments during the meeting of the High Level Forum, where the national strategy for economic development was presented. Delawie said that the U.S. will continue to support Kosovo, and especially the youth, who according to him, are Kosovo’s biggest asset. He said that the U.S.

Haliti: Another Assembly session to be held this week (KosovaPress)

Kosovo Assembly Deputy Speaker, Xhavit Haliti, said today that during this week there will be another session in the Kosovo Assembly. According to him, Kosovo institutions are functioning normally. Haliti said that the incidents in the Assembly have ended and that such situation will not continue anymore. According to him, there is room for discussion in regards to all matters for which it is deemed to have been violated.

Thaci: Haradinaj and Limaj, Kurti’s close protection (Klan Kosova)  

Klan Kosova has published parts of the interview with Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, which will be aired tonight at 21:00 hours. Speaking about the former leader of Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, Thaci said that it is well known that he has always had an anti-Kosovar and anti-international agenda. According to Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj are acting as “Albin Kurit’s close protection.”

Meeting of Assembly committee fails once again (Kosovapress)

The meeting of the Kosovo Assembly committee for reviewing candidates for members of the Constitutional Court has failed for the second time in a row due to the absence of quorum. The chairman of the commission, Assembly President Kadri Veseli, said that they only have one more day to select the candidates or risk having the process start all over again. Veseli also said that the meeting of the Assembly presidency will be held very soon to discuss the date of the new plenary session.

Opposition determined: We will not allow holding of the session (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s opposition parties stated that they do not intend to allow holding of the today’s Assembly session, called by the Assembly President Kadri Veseli, at 16:00 hours.

“It would not make sense to allow the works of the Assembly and normal functioning of the government, if the country is going towards ethnical division,” said Frasher Krasniqi, spokesperson of the Vetevendosje movement.