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Mustafa: Opposition actions are not supported by citizens (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said today that the violent and non-democratic  actions of the opposition parties are not supported by the citizens of Kosovo. Speaking about the difficult and sensitive decisions that the government of Kosovo faced this year, such as the establishment of the special court, recent agreements with Serbia and border demarcation with Montenegro, Mustafa said that all these decisions will strengthen the justice system in Kosovo and will promote peace and stability in the region.

Thaci: Ideas and projects should be brought in the Assembly, not weapons and violence (Indeksonline)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, told the news site that he is convinced that the work in the Assembly will soon continue to function."I expect reflection in terms of normal work in the Assembly. Any other approach would be wrong and unacceptable,” Thaci said, adding that ideas and projects should be brought in the Assembly, and not weapons and violence. "The problem lies in the physical blocking actions by the opposition.  Assembly Speaker Kadri  Veseli has been tolerant and understanding.

Delawie calls on opposition parties not to make problems tomorrow in the Assembly (Koha)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delwie, met today with Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli. After the meeting, Delawie called on the opposition parties not to make problems during the Assembly session tomorrow, and said that actions of violence in the Assembly are damaging the democracy in Kosovo. He gave his full support to Veseli to proceed with the Assembly session tomorrow.  "Violence in the Assembly is not the best thing for Kosovo.

Beqiri: Only the Assembly can annul agreements (RTK)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group chief, Ismet Beqiri, said yesterday that the recent agreements with Serbia might be annulled only through votes in the Assembly. He also said that without international friends, Kosovo cannot be integrated. “The Assembly is the place where decisions are made, where changes are made and where signatures could be withdrawn.  Without international friends, Kosovo cannot be integrated in the international arena,” Beqiri said.

Jevtic: Solving problems in the Kosovo Assembly essential for the establishment of the ZSO (Blic)

Minister for Returns and Communities in the Kosovo Government Dalibor Jevtic said today, after talks with Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga, that he had the same opinion as Jahjaga, that the situation in the Assembly of Kosovo needs to be resolved in a peaceful and democratic way, because without addressing the situation in the parliament would not be possible to resolve the question of Community/Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO).

Veseli: Political use of religion, a danger for heritage (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, stressed that the greatest danger for the cultural heritage is political use of religion.

“This is Serbia’s alternative,” wrote Veseli on his Facebook account, on the day when UNESCO’s Executive Council is expected to decide on the recommendation to accept Kosovo as a member of this organization.

Serwer: Opposition risking to face harsh state measures (Gazeta Express)

Daniel Serwer, former U.S. diplomat and expert for Balkan issues, analyzed in an interview for Gazeta Express, the recent developments in Kosovo and the blockade of the Parliament by opposition parties. He stressed that with its behavior, opposition is risking to face harsh state measures and lose support in polls. Serwer said that without winning the elections, the opposition cannot make decisions for Kosovo. He however adds that if opposition had the power, they would not request breach of Brussels agreements.

Jahjaga invites political leaders for dialogue to overcome current crisis (Koha)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga issued a statement today which called Kosovo's political spectrum for a dialogue about the recent developments in the Kosovo Assembly. “After consultations with the heads of the institutions, with the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Assembly, I call for dialogue the parliamentary political parties in an effort to overcome the current political situation. Violent acts during the last few days are unacceptable.