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Limaj: Association will not pass (Telegrafi)

Leader of Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj dismissed statement from the Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) that what happened today at the Assembly was an act of violence. Limaj said violence is what is happening to Kosovo. “We grew up with teargas and we don’t want our children to grow up like this. The future of our children is being ruined by this agreement,” said Limaj. He reiterated that the opposition stands united in opposing the creation of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities.

PDK: Opposition is lying, it wants to take over the government! (Zeri/RTK)

The head of the Kosovo Democratic Party (PDK) parliamentary group, Adem Grabovci, called on opposition MPs not to block the work of the Kosovo Assembly. “The current situation is regretful. This is an attempt to block the state of Kosovo. The opposition should ask itself where it wants to go with such actions. We stand behind our efforts to unblock the Assembly through dialogue. The opposition is not concerned with the content of the agreement because they understand that this is an international agreement. The opposition wants to take over the government.

Serb MPs announce boycott to the Assembly (Koha)

The Kosovo Assembly Serb MPs announced today that they will boycott the Assembly’s session because as they say, they fear violence in this institution. The reason for this, according to Serb MPs, is that the opposition used scalpels today to uncover some paintings in the lobby of the Assembly. They added that they fear that the scalpels can be used for other purposes.

A Kosovar exit strategy (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily notes that it has become a routine to seek help from those that Kosovo politicians call with extreme servility “international friends,” every time that they face crisis. “The same is happening with Assembly blockade which is consequence of the abuse of the dialogue with Serbia, producing in this manner illegal, anti-constitutional and dangerous agreements for the stability and functionality of Kosovo… Incapability of the current political class to overcome the status-quo, means failure to keep a state.

Haliti: No one knows who will be indicted by special court (Telegrafi)

The Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Xhavit Haliti, during a TV show today said that no one knows precisely who will be indicted by the special court. He said that it is important that Kosovo has accepted the establishment of this court. According to him, names that were mentioned in the media who might be indicted by this court are pure speculation. He also said that the allegations about organ trafficking during the war in Kosovo are not true.

Veseli: Kosovo has proved it is a country of peace (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, met today in Pristina with the Council of Europe’s Rapporteur for Kosovo, Agustin Conde. Veseli informed Conde about the developments in the Assembly and Kosovo’s commitment to strengthening the rule of law, transparency and parliamentarian democracy. “The Republic of Kosovo has proved it is a country of stability and peace, which respects the rights of communities and in this respect it is a model for countries of the region and beyond.

Opposition blocks Kosovo Assembly session (all media)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli ordered a half-hour break in today’s Assembly session after members of the opposition prevented the start of the session by standing around the speaker’s stand. Head of Vetevendosje parliamentary group Glauk Konjufca said there can be no regular session until Prime Minister Isa Mustafa comes back and withdraws signature from the agreement with Serbia establishing the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities.

Opposition open to participation in parliamentary commissions (Zeri)

Despite the decision to boycott plenary sessions of the Kosovo Assembly and the meetings of the Assembly presidency, opposition parties are taking part in the meetings of the parliamentary commissions. Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP Pal Lekaj said opposition legislators are performing their duties in the parliamentary commissions. At the same time, he said his party has not yet decided whether it will take part in the upcoming session of the Assembly on Thursday.