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Gashi: The justice of UNMIK and EULEX violated every international convention (Indeksonline)

The news site conducted an interview with Latif Gashi, former Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP and former KLA commander for the Llapi region, before Gashi went to prison today to serve the remainder of his sentence. Gashi told the news site that he is carrying out an obligation in accordance with the law. He also said that "the justice of UNMIK and EULEX have violated every international convention during the Llapi Group trial".

Serbian citizen arrested on a warrant issued by Interpol (TV Most, RTCG)

In a special operation of the Montenegrin police in the vicinity of Niksic, a Serbian citizen, Zoran Vukotic was arrested on a warrant from Interpol for the crime of "war crimes against the civilian population," police confirmed to the Podgorica daily Dnevne Novine.

According to unofficial information, the red Interpol warrant, published on the official website of the international police organization, was issued upon request of UNMIK, to conduct criminal proceedings in Kosovo.

Kouchner, a witness against Thaci? (Vecernje Novosti)

The first head of UNMIK, Bernard Kouchner could be a potential witness against Hashim Thaci, who is likely to be indicted by the Special Court for war crimes in Kosovo - reported the Paris daily "Le Figaro" on Wednesday. Previously, the French agency AFP, had reported that Thaci could be among the accused before the special court for KLA crimes by the end of the year, citing an unnamed western diplomat.

Kosovo government plays two cards in relations with UNMIK (Koha)

The Kosovo government continues to play two cards when it comes to cooperating with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). Last year, the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs tried to give UNMIK a role in speeding up the application procedures for Kosovo’s eventual membership of the UNESCO. The paper has learned that the position of heads of Kosovo institutions is to avoid meetings with UNMIK officials as much as possible. “However, only in February, UNMIK chief [Zahir Tanin] has met three ministers of the Kosovo government.

UNMIK chief: Despite political violence from the opposition, Kosovo has made progress (Koha)

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin, said at the UN Security Council session on Kosovo that this was a year in which Kosovo will face complex challenges, and then went on to assess key developments emerging from 2015. “In recent months the polarization of the Kosovo political landscape has reached levels where progress is being impeded, despite considerable efforts by the government to pursue an ambitious reform agenda. The extremes of political antagonism have clearly transgressed basic democratic norms.

Ambassadors stressed the need for the implementation of the Brussels agreement (TV Most)

At the meeting dedicated to the work of UNMIK and the situation in Kosovo, ambassadors of the UN Security Council member states pointed out the importance of the implementation of the Brussels agreement, and called on both sides to implement the agreement. They expressed concern over the violence in the Kosovo Assembly and in the streets and welcomed progress towards the establishment of the Special Court for the crimes of the former KLA.

"UNMIK for the improvement of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina" (KIM radio)

Together with the EU and other partners, UNMIK is committed to improving dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on all levels, from the central government to civil society, said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin.

At the regular meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on Kosovo, Zahir Tanin said that the cooperation between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Kosovo authorities has declined over the last year.

UN Security Council to discuss developments in Kosovo today (RTK)

Today's session of the UN Security Council will focus on the UN Secretary-General’s report on Kosovo covering the period from 16 October 2015 to 15 January 2016. Despite the fact it does not cover events that occurred in February, the report is quite critical towards opposition parties in Kosovo accusing them of employing violence both in the streets and inside the Kosovo Assembly.

Communication troubles with INTERPOL and EUROPOL (Gazeta Tribuna)

The EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) and UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) are the only link that Kosovo institutions have with EUROPOL and INTERPOL, the news site reports. And even, it is these two missions, according to the news site, that decide what information to share with the local authorities. Meanwhile, the procedures for exchange of information with local institutions takes a long time, even in situations requring quick action. Donika Emini from the Kosovo Security Center says there are cases that take years to be processed.