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EULEX filed the request for an Interpol arrest warrant (Danas)

Chairman of the Board of the Serbian Assembly for control of the security services, the former security officer of the Yugoslav Army and member of SNS Momir Stojanovic with 16 other citizens of Gjakova/Djakovica was found on an Interpol "red" arrest warrant on suspicion that in 1999 in Kosovo he has committed crimes against civilians. The EU mission in Pristina yesterday confirmed unofficial claims of the state officials in Belgrade that the request for an arrest warrant was filed by EULEX.

Kurti requests from EULEX to give an account for one and a half billion euros (KosovaPress)

Albin Kurti, the outgoing leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, met today at the  Vetevendoje headquarters the Ambassador of Finland in Kosovo, Anne Meskanen. During this meeting Kurti requested clarification for EULEX’s one and a half billion euros spent in Kosovo.

Kurti stressed that instead of adding the special court to Kosovo, EULEX should give account to the European tax-payers for the one and a half billion Euros spent in Kosovo.

Vachter: Agreement on judiciary for a better life of citizens (Radio Kontakt Plus)

Deputy Head of the EULEX Joelle Vachter said that she believes that the implementation of the Brussels agreement on judiciary will contribute to improving the lives of citizens in the north. 

When will start implementation of the agreement and what kind of role in this process will have EULEX? 

We expect further steps regarding the implementation of this agreement. We are ready to implement the agreement at any time. 

Which obstacles do you expect in the implementation? 

Two KP members interviewed in connection to their colleagues’ death (

Two active members of the Kosovo Police (KP) have been interviewed by EULEX in the case surrounding the killing of KP officer Enver Zymberi in 2011. Sources dais that one of the KP members holds the rank of captain and works in the North Mitrovica. EULEX confirmed in conducted searches and interviews of the Kosovo Police officers. Spokesperson Besa Domi said the persons were interviewed in the capacity of suspects.

EULEX ready to assist the implementation of the agreement (Politika)

The head of EULEX in Kosovo, Gabriele Meucci tonight expressed readiness of the mission to assist in the implementation of the agreement on the functioning of the judiciary, which was reached in Brussels between Belgrade and Pristina.

As EULEX stated, Meucci said this at a meeting with Kosovo Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuqi, on which was discussed about the agreement on the functioning of the judiciary.

During the meeting, Kuqi informed Meucci about the steps that are necessary to ensure the efficient functioning of the judiciary in northern Kosovo.

Krlic’s complaint vain, there was no violation (Gazeta Blic)

Former deputy director of the Office for Kosovo at Serbian Government, Mirko Krlic, complained that EULEX did not allow him to enter Kosovo without permission from Kosovo authorities. He complained to EULEX claiming that border police of this mission violated freedom of religion and freedom of movement, however this was not observed by the Panel for Human Rights and Freedoms.

EULEX to perform exhumation on the Muslim cemetery in Mitrovica (KoSSev)

EULEX units soon will start exhumation in the Muslim cemetery in Raska Potok, in northern Mitrovica, confirmed to KoSSev head of the regional operations of the Kosovo Police for the North, Zeljko Bojic. It is suspected that in the part of the location of this cemetery is buried a human body, the alleged victim of the war in Kosovo in 1999.

The Movement of Socialists: Confidence of the Serbs in the dialogue is endangered (Blic)

Kosovo PM Isa Mustafa endangered the confidence of Serbs in the Brussels dialogue, by the decision to dismiss Minister of Communities and Returns Aleksandar Jablanović, was stated from the Movement of Socialists (PS). "According to the requirements of the Brussels Agreement, the real Serbian representatives should present the interests of the Serbs in Pristina’s institutions. Jablanović was doing exactly that. In Pristina, those efforts could not be forgiven to him, but the Serbs, regardless of the fact where they live, are grateful for that," reads the statement.