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Stojanovic: Burnt returnee houses will be reconstructed (Blic)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic promised to the returnees in the village of Siga near Pec that Kosovo Government will rebuild two recently burnt houses. "We will rebuild the burned houses, by which will be sent a message to the perpetrators and to those who supposed to find the perpetrators, that rebuilding of the houses will be paid from the Kosovo budget," said Stojanovic, who with the Minister for the return Dalibor Jevtic and liaison officer between Belgrade and Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic visited returnees in Siga village.

Jablanovic: Stojanovic hasn't been appointed for the coordinator of the Serbian List (Kontakt plus)

President of the Serbian List Aleksandar Jablanovic announced last evening that Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic was not appointed for the coordinator of the Serbian List, nor such request has been sent by anybody to the Serbian list.

Jablanovic in a release stated that the right to give statement on behalf of the Serbian list have the President of the Serbian List, head of parliamentary group, deputies and representatives of the List in the government of Kosovo.

Stojanovic: We do not support the formation of Kosovo army (Kossev)

Serbian list does not support the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into the army and the attitude of the List remains unchanged.

All discussions about the KSF, that members of the Srpska had with representatives of the Kosovo government, took place in the context of the regular weekly meetings and so members of the government have insisted, on their own initiative, to inform the Srpska representatives about the process - said the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Branimir Stojanovic.

"Decision on KLA crimes court made under intl. pressure" (B92, Blic)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic says he is satisfied that amendments that will pave the way to establish a special court have been adopted.

"Of course we're satisfied, it was uncertain until the very end. Until the last moment we did not know whether we will have enough votes," he said.

Stojanovic told B92 late on Monday that he "hoped the law will also be adopted during the session this evening," and that "the decision (on the amendments) was significantly influenced by the international community."

Stojanovic: No serious dialogue in Pristina about ZSO (RTK2)

There is no serious dialogue on the establishment of the Community / Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) between Serbs and Albanians in the Kosovo government, and Kosovo Albanians do not have a united position which competencies the ZSO should have, said Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic. “If there would be a serious dialogue, maybe agreements in Brussels would be reached faster.

Stojanovic to Engel: ZSO of vital importance (Akter, Politika, RTS,Tanjug)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic told U.S. Congressman Eliot Engel that Serbs in Kosovo insist on executive powers for the community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) in the fields of education, economic development, health care and spatial planning.

Stojanovic said to Engel, who is paying a multi-day visit to Kosovo, that this issue is of vital importance for the Serbs.

According to Stojanovic, the U.S. congressman agreed, but urged the Serbs to build their future in Kosovo on an equal footing.

Stojanovic: We are waiting for an agreement on the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities (IRS)

The talks in Brussels on Monday were very difficult, another step forward has been taken and now it is important that those who are playing a very important role in the Western Balkans, namely the international community and the European Union above all, exert additional pressure on Pristina in order to finalize the agreement, Kosovo deputy PM Branimir Stojanovic said to International Radio Serbia.

Insufficient number of Serbs in institutions in Kosovo (RTS)

In the course of dialogue in Brussels, the representation of Serbs in Kosovo's public institutions and companies was not mentioned, even though it is far below the legal requirements. According to the Serbian representatives in the Kosovo government, the number of Serbs in public institutions is far below the guaranteed 10 per cent.

There are between two and three per cent of Serbs in public institutions and enterprises.

Executive authorities of ZSO directly from the municipalities (TV Most)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic said that is not yet defined and agreed how Association / Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) will look like, as well it is not determined which degree of autonomy will have in the four areas: education, health care, economic development and regional planning.