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All masks fell: Recognize Kosovo! (Vesti online)

Further European integration of Serbia is impossible until Belgrade and Pristina reach agreement, indicated Serbian experts on international issues. Analyst Dusan Janjic says that Serbia will have to resolve the issues that Germany insists on, including the fulfilment of the Brussels agreement, and adoption of a second framework agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

Ban requests establishment of Special Court by early 2015 at the latest (Koha)

The paper reports on page two that United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in his quarterly report on Kosovo, has called on Kosovo institutions to establish, by early 2015 at the latest, the Special Court that will handle allegations of war crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army. In his report, Ban talks about the political situation in the country, with special emphasis on the northern part of Mitrovica following tensions after the construction of the Peace Park on Ibër/Ibar River.

PM "has no information" about "Brussels 2" (B92)

PM Aleksandar Vučić says he has "no information about a new Brussels agreement," while he is "always ready to go to Brussels and continue the dialogue."

"I'm always ready to go to Brussels, we are very committed to continuing the dialogue with the Albanians, with whom we have no problem. The only problem is that they do not have a government," the prime minister said, referring to the post-election deadlock in Priština.

Ban Ki-moon calls for special court for KLA crimes (Vecernje Novosti)

 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Kosovo authorities and the EU to ensure that a special court will be formed no later than early next year, which would deal with the issue of war crimes allegedly committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in Kosovo in 1999. “I strongly urge the Kosovo authorities, as well as the supporting European Union structures, to ensure that a specialist court is in place by early 2015,” said Ban in its latest report on the situation in Kosovo, which will be presented to the UN Security Council on 25 August.

Who will represent Kosovo at the UN Security Council session on 25 August? (Gazeta Blic)

It has not yet been decided who will represent Kosovo at the upcoming UN Security Council session on 25 August. Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuci, told Tribuna that it is the Security Council that decided about the level of representation. “We will be represented depending on the level of representation of the other side,” said Kuci.

Rogova, part of the UN expert advisory group (Koha)

Igballe Rogova, executive director of the Kosova Women’s Network (KWN), has been invited to become a member of the High Level Expert Advisory Group for the Global Study on the 15-year implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325.

The news was announced in a press release issued by KWN which says that the study is in line with Security Council Resolution 2122 which calls for the UN Secretary-General to undertake a high-level review of women, peace and security to be conducted in October 2015.


Diplomacy with “tied hands” (Danas)

The statement of the prosecutor of the EU Special Investigation Team, Clint Williamson, on the findings of an investigation into the trafficking in human organs in Kosovo, although with the status “temporary announced until a special court for the crimes of the KLA will be established”, provides space for diplomatic and political action of official Belgrade in the fight for Kosovo, believe our diplomatic sources. 

National commission for UNESCO to be set by fall (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbia’s former ambassador to Turkey and the Vatican Darko Tanaskovic, who has been put forward as Serbia’s ambassador to UNESCO, said Monday that Serbia will set up a national commission for UNESCO.

Due to its relatively unfavorable international position over the past decade, Serbia has not been able act timely and in the right way to protect its cultural and spiritual heritage in the province of Kosovo-Metohija and in neighboring states, Tanaskovic said on a talk show broadcast by the state-run RTS.

A hot chair awaits Serbia in the OSCE (Vecernje Novosti)

From 1 January, when Serbia starts presiding over the OSCE, a hot chair will await our representatives, unless the tensions about reheated cold war calm down. Assigning the role of first among equals in this society is considered a confirmation of the reputation and represents the signal that we are reliable, but the timing for presiding brings with it significant challenges for Belgrade, in the midst of conflict of EU and America on one side and Russia on the other.