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Samardzic: Kosovo issue to return to United Nations (Danas, FoNet)

Frozen conflict in Kosovo at this moment is a better solution, since an agreement on normalization of relations would encompass swift and hasty measures and would in fact represent a legal act on the recognition of Kosovo, former Minister for Kosovo and Metohija and Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade Professor, Slobodan Samardzic told FoNet news agency.

According to Samardzic hasty reached agreement can not resolve conflict that lasts more than 120 years, adding that the entire process in reaching a compromise seeks time to inform the public about it.

Now Americans won't allow UNSC sessions on Kosovo? (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

The situation in Kosovo and Metohija will not be discussed at the UN Security Council in September.

This will not happen because the US, which this month presides over this body of the world organization, did not include the report of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in the agenda, Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti reported.

Raskovic-Ivic: Internal dialogue on Kosovo looked like monologue (FoNet, RTS)

Deputy Leader of People’s Party, Sanda Raskovic-Ivic said the Serbian President and head of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Aleksandar Vucic by announcing a referendum on Kosovo wants to make all citizens accomplices “in the greatest disgrace of the Serbian history – surrender of Kosovo,” Serbian media reported.

“Vucic has no platform given by the government, let alone the Assembly, to talk about and makes agreement on Kosovo. He refers to the internal dialogue that looked more like a monologue,” Raskovic-Ivic said.

Russia ready to back RS regarding status issue – report (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Moscow is ready to back Republic of Srpska (RS) in raising the issue of its independence, especially in the context of the talks on a final solution for Kosovo. Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes this on Tuesday.

According to the newspaper, this message should be handed over to the president of the Serb entity in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who will visit Sarajevo and Banja Luka on September 16-17.

Stefanovic: Referendum would be an alibi for authorities (FoNet, Danas)

If Kosovo would get a seat in the UN, even status of an observer, their need to talk to us about anything would immediately cease, leader of Leftist Serbia and former Belgrade chief negotiator in the Brussels talks, Borko Stefanovic told FoNet news agency.

From that moment onwards, Kosovo could do whatever it wants, since it would become de facto and de jure independent state, Stefanovic added. He also assessed it would be a great humiliation for Serbia, as it would need to ask Russia and China not to block Kosovo membership in the UN.

"Kosovo referendum, early elections? Nonsense" (BETA, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic has denied Vuk Jeremic's allegations that he plans to hold a referendum on Kosovo and early parliamentary elections on November 4.

The president then asked journalists during his visit to the town of Sid on Thursday "whether this information was sent to Jeremic from the Qatari embassy in Berlin" and, "whether they sent him money once again or what - informed him about November 4?"

Opposition alliance to be formally established in September (BETA, B92)

Opposition People's Party (NS) leader Vuk Jeremic says the Alliance for Serbia will be formally established in September.

Jeremic told Beta that opposition leaders will this month present a 30-point program of the Alliance for Serbia "in direct communication with citizens across the country" - and that they are "open to suggestions and willing to accept any good idea."

Blic: September "could be key month to resolve Kosovo issue" (B92)

September could be a key month in resolving the Kosovo issue, writes the daily Blic.

The newspaper writes that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will travel to China after visiting to Kosovo, and will then go to New York, where he will speak at the United Nations.
As the solution enters the final stage, Serbia's president is in for a fierce diplomatic offensive throughout September, the daily said.

Dodik: If Kosovo enters UN, Republic of Srpska would ask for seat (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

If Kosovo becomes a member of the UN and other international institutions, Banjaluka would request the same, President of Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik told Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti.

“The Assembly of Srpska adopted resolution, saying that in case of establishing of a new international principle and practice in recognizing the right to self-determination, we would insist on determining our state status. This document is still in force and we would not give up on it,” Dodik told Vecernje Novosti.