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Jovanovic: Surrender of Kosovo and Metohija would open issues of Raska and Vojvodina (Danas, BETA)

Leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Milos Jovanovic said that surrender of Kosovo and Metohija would soon open the issues of Raska district, south of central Serbia and Vojvodina province, BETA news agency reports.

He made these remarks at DSS gathering in Kraljevo town, adding the future generations would have to deal with geopolitical issues in this case, instead of with economy and development of Serbia.

“Frozen conflict situation should be maintained, which means there is no final political solution at this moment,” Jovanovic underlined.

Samardzic: Kosovo issue to return to United Nations (Danas, FoNet)

Frozen conflict in Kosovo at this moment is a better solution, since an agreement on normalization of relations would encompass swift and hasty measures and would in fact represent a legal act on the recognition of Kosovo, former Minister for Kosovo and Metohija and Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade Professor, Slobodan Samardzic told FoNet news agency.

According to Samardzic hasty reached agreement can not resolve conflict that lasts more than 120 years, adding that the entire process in reaching a compromise seeks time to inform the public about it.

Samardzic: It is ours, even if occupied (Danas)

Former Minister for Kosovo and Metohija in the Serbian Government, Slobodan Samardzic assessed today that regardless if “delineation” between Kosovo and Serbia is realistic or not, the stance of Raska-Prizren Eparchy dignitaries remain as a warning that not a single piece of Kosovo and Metohija territory must be surrendered, Danas daily reports.

Political pressure to (reach) joint investigation team (Danas)

Could Serbian Government by conditioning continuation of the Brussels dialogue and Srpska Lista by “freezing” existence of the Kosovo Government, that depends on its votes, help official Belgrade to become a part of the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, Danas daily wrote on Friday.

Diplomatic sources told Danas daily that due to Pristina’s refusal to involve official Belgrade in the investigation, Belgrade can only count on exchange of information.

Dveri: It is necessary to organize referendum on Kosovo (BETA, B92)

It is necessary to organize a referendum in Serbia with a clear question, do you support that Kosovo and Metohija remain in its own state, Dveri Movement announced, Serbian media reported.

Leader of the Dveri Movement, Bosko Obradovic, while presenting the conclusions of the roundtable on the current situation in Kosovo, said he will launch an initiative to establish a working group to prepare acts and documents for the defence of Kosovo and Metohija within the state of Serbia.