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Veseli: Thaci to be elected president this month (RTK)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Deputy Leader and Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli said before party members in Prizren that the PDK leader Hashim Thaci will be elected president of Kosovo in the coming month. Veseli said there is no doubt that Thaci is the most deserving person to take on the post. Meanwhile, Enver Hoxhaj, also PDK deputy leader, said Thaci will be elected in a few weeks’ time.

Thaci cannot become President, a hero citizen will (Koha Ditore)

The paper has run an opinion piece by Andrea Lorenzo Capussela who argues that the verdict of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo to remove Behgjet Pacolli from Presidency a few years ago, makes it impossible for the PDK leader Hashim Thaci to be elected President, because it requires the presence of all MPs at the session. “"Consequently, if one MP is absent, the vote cannot take place. And the MPs cannot be forced into going to the Assembly.

Mustafa gathers MPs, requests guarantees for Thaci’s election (Gazeta Blic)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, has called the MPs from his party to meet tomorrow at 13:00 p.m. Sources within the party told Gazeta Blic that Mustafa will request them to vote Hashim Thaci for President of Kosovo. He will ask them to at least be present at the Assembly to establish the required quorum for voting Thaci for President,” said this source. Several MPs from LDK announced that they will prevent Hashim Thaci from being elected.

Thaci: a new European era for Kosovo has begun today (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, said that the voting of the European Parliament for the ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement with Kosovo, marks a new era for the youngest European state.

“The European Parliament gave a majority vote in favor of the ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement with Kosovo. This is a historical moment and the first formal contract between Kosovo and the EU,” wrote Thaci on his Facebook profile page.

LDK’s Osmani urges her party MPs not to prevent Thaci from becoming president (Lajmi)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Vjosa Osmani called on her party colleagues to prevent the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci from becoming the new Kosovo president. She said the only way to achieve this is by the LDK MPs not participating in the Assembly session when Thaci is expected to be voted for president. She explained that it is required for at least ten LDK MPs, plus the opposition ones, to boycott the session leaving it without a quorum and unable to vote on the motion.

Kosovo on trial, as Dutch to host EU-backed court (Koha Ditore/EU Observer)


he Netherlands has formally agreed to host an EU-funded tribunal on Kosovo war crimes, with “sensitive” trials of former Kosovo guerrilla chiefs to start “this year.” The Dutch government took the decision on the Kosovo Relocated Specialist Judicial Institution (KSJI) on Friday (15 January). Details remain to be approved by Dutch and Kosovan parliaments.

Mustafa: Protests don’t ensure new elections (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, told Klan Kosova the protest organized by the opposition does not ensure the organization of new elections, regardless of the number of citizens that participated in the protest.  He added that all citizens' requests will be considered.  “We are very responsive to citizens in fulfillment of our promises. It is the right of the opposition to protest and also the citizens should know why are they protesting, but protests cannot justify new elections,” Mustafa said.

Thaci to learn whether he is going to be the President in US on 19 January (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, will travel to Washington after a long time. On 19 January, he will meet with senior officials of the U.S. State Department, and he will learn whether he is going to be the future President of Kosovo, as foreseen in the agreement between his party and the Democratic League of Kosovo. It has been a long time since Thaci stepped in the offices of the State Department, notes Gazeta Express explaining that during the last two years, he mainly met U.S.

Serbian List: We haven’t decided yet about Thaci’s candidacy for President (Zeri)

The Serbian List parliamentary group chief, Slavko Simic, told the news website his party still hasn’t decided on PDK leader Hashim Thaci’s candidacy for Kosovo President.  "We expect in the coming days to discuss the subject matter with our coalition partners.  It is absolutely untrue that we set conditions for the election of the Kosovo President with the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. We still have no official stance on this issue,” Simic said.