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Capussela’s 4 points on Thaci and Mogherini: Why didn’t the Special Court issue an indictment? (Kossev)

“1) The EU set up a special war-crimes court; 2) Thaci is an obvious suspect; 3) Federica Mogherini and Johannes Hahn want the land swap that Thaci advocated; 4) Federica Mogherini chose the court’s judges and prosecutors. Can 1-4 contribute to explaining why the court hasn’t yet indicted anyone?” – the former head of the economics unit in the International Civilian Office in Kosovo, Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, posted on his Facebook page last night.

It is the right time to strike a blow at Kosovo’s élite (Koha Ditore)

The paper carries an opinion piece from Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, who was head of the economics unit of the International Civilian Office in Kosovo and member of the Board of Directors at Kosovo's Privatization Agency from 2008 until 2011. He has recently published the book "State-building in Kosovo: Democracy, Corruption and the EU in the Balkans. Below find the full text of the opinion piece:

The constitutional court contradicts itself, but not enough (Koha Ditore)

The paper runs an opinion piece by Andrea Lorenzo Capussela:

The constitutional court of 2016 has said that the constitutional court of 2011 was wrong. These are not the words one can read in the judgement that yesterday upheld Thaci’s election, but this is what they mean. For the court rejected the challenge against his election because it judged that the arguments of the opposition were plainly wrong, ‘manifestly unfounded’. But these were exactly the same arguments upon which in 2011 the court annulled Pacolli’s election.

Two reasons why Thaci’s election is not valid (Koha)

An opinion piece by Andrea Capussela

Thaci’s election is invalid because it breaches the rules established by the constitutional court in its judgment annulling the election of Pacolli, in 2011. That decision was wrong, and often absurd (see this essay). But according to article 116.1 of Kosovo’s constitution ‘Decisions of the Constitutional Court are binding on the judiciary and all persons and institutions of the Republic of Kosovo’: right or wrong, the court’s decisions must be obeyed.

Thaci cannot become President, a hero citizen will (Koha Ditore)

The paper has run an opinion piece by Andrea Lorenzo Capussela who argues that the verdict of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo to remove Behgjet Pacolli from Presidency a few years ago, makes it impossible for the PDK leader Hashim Thaci to be elected President, because it requires the presence of all MPs at the session. “"Consequently, if one MP is absent, the vote cannot take place. And the MPs cannot be forced into going to the Assembly.

On Kosovo MPs’ arrest (Koha Ditore)

The paper today runs an opinion piece by Andrea Capussela, former head of the economics unit of the International Civilian Office in Kosovo, on the recent developments in the Kosovo Assembly. “I continually read that police and prosecutors plan to arrest the Kosovo Assembly MPs for throwing teargas in the Assembly and who are now not responding to the prosecution’s invitation to be interviewed. But, if they arrest the MPs, they would violate the Constitution of Kosovo.

Eggs and democracy (Koha)

Opinion piece by Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Some people talk about eggs. These oval objects are the product of the ass of a domestic animal that can be eaten, cooked. Eggs too can be eaten, also raw. They can be cooked in many ways, including in boiling water. This liquid boils at 100 degrees, at sea level. It boils at a little less than that in Kosovo, wherepressure is lower: 98 degrees maybe. But whether or not 98 is enough to cook an egg is not, surprisingly, what those people talk about.