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Rescue and savior in the war for Thaci’s seat (Gazeta Blic)

Beqe Cufaj considers today that frustration and conclusion that the current opposition which raises only the issues of the “Association” and “Demarcation” cannot be supported, is understandable. To him, the current opposition is only the other side of the coin, or different faces with the same intention. He regrets for the lack of a third wing or an alternative that would breach the dreams of current politicians for power and corruption.

Thaci: 2016, the year of visa liberalization and creation of the army (

The General Council of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), held its end of the year meeting. The leader of this party, Hashim Thaci, said that this party will continue to be the most consolidated one in Kosovo. Thaci who holds the position of the Principal Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that 2015 was the year of challenges to strengthen the state. “This progress is directly related to the contribution of PDK,” Thaci said.

Thaci: Ruling of the Constitutional Court will be respected (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, said today during the meeting of the government that the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, will be respected. “We will respect the decision of the Constitutional Court. As foreseen, we will send again the statute and amendments to the Constitutional Court.” He also said that this issue should not be politicized.

Thaci to Gentiloni: Teargas is used for new elections, not for the agreements (Kosovapress)

The Principal Deputy of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, hosted today a meeting with the Italian Foreign Minister, Paolo Gentiloni. Thaci informed Gentiloni with the achievements of Kosovo including contractual relations with the European Union, through the Stabilization Association Agreement as well as about the positive report on the process of visa liberalization. Thaci said that Kosovo expects recommendation for visa liberalization by the beginning of the next year.

Non-Serb minority: We will support Thaci for President (Zeri)

Kosovo Assembly Deputy Speaker and MP from non-Serb minority, Duda Balje, told the news site that the non-Serb minority group in the Kosovo Assembly will support Hashim Thaci’s candidacy for President. "The 6+ parliamentary group has talked about the presidential elections and if Mr. Thaci will be the candidate, he will have the support of our group,” she said. Foreign Minister Hashi Thaci stated that he expects to become President in 2016, according to the agreement reached with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK).


Dacic: Thaci does not realize the consequences of demonstrations (Danas, KIM radio, TV Most)

- By calling to demonstrations, they are only burying deeper into the catastrophic internal and international position - says Ivica Dacic, the Head of the Serbian diplomacy. The Government of Serbia told Danas unofficially that "they do not believe" that another round of the Brussels negotiations will be held until the New Year holidays.

Thaci: The EU is insulting and provoking us (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, said today that he was disappointed with the EU’s delay in granting visa liberalization to Kosovo. “This is a direct insult against the people of Kosovo. We have worked for so many years in meeting the criteria and standards so that we can enjoy all rights as citizens of Europe. I am disappointed with the EU’s delay with visa liberalization. This is a serious provocation and a result of the inability of the EU. The people of Kosovo must know the truth. We have met all the criteria required for visa liberalization.

Zbogar: Idea for protests in front of EU Office is not good (media)

Several news sites report that Samuel Zbogar, the head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, has commented on a statement by First Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci who said on Wednesday that in the event of a negative report on visa liberalization the people of Kosovo should protest in front of EU offices in Pristina. Zbogar said the idea to protest is not good and that Kosovo should wait for the final report by the European Union on visa liberalization.

“If visa liberalization report is negative, we can protest in front of EU offices” (media)

Kosovo’s First Deputy Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, said today in Pristina that “if the visa liberalization report for Kosovo is negative, we can all protest in front of EU offices. The people should not feel disappointed but insulted”. “This time it is not our fault. We must call on the EU leadership to make the right decision for Kosovo, the same as it is doing with other countries. Kosovo must be optimistic about the light at the end of the tunnel,” he said.

Montenegro to ratify agreement for demarcation of the border with Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Montenegro is expected to ratify soon the agreement for demarcation of the border with Kosovo. Montenegro’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Igor Luksic, confirmed the news in an interview for Montenegrin media. “I believe that Montenegro will very soon complete ratification of the agreement for demarcation with Kosovo,” he said.