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No official reply from Belgrade on Thaci’s visit (RFE)

Kosovo’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, told Radio Free Europe that Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci has already accepted the invitation to take part in a conference of EU integration of Western Balkans set to take place on 24 April in Belgrade. Selimi said the Kosovo side has notified Belgrade on Thaci’s acceptance through relevant liaison officers. “I can confirm that until this morning we have received no formal answer.

Brussels’ accord, historical or damaging for Kosovo? (IBNA)

It’s been two years since the signing of the Agreement for the Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia.
The accord was signed on April 19, 2013 in Brussels by the prime ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Hashim Thaci and Ivica Dacic, with the brokerage of the EU head of for foreign affairs, Catherine Ashton. The text contains 15 points.

The Kosovo spring (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that the peaceful protest by the opposition in Pristina on Saturday showed the democratic culture of the people who expressed their deep dissatisfaction with bad governance. “In fact, this [the protest] was only the start of a season of expected social unrest which was manifested even on the first day of the ‘marriage’ between Thaci and Mustafa, with strikes in every sector.

Opposition parties’ action in front of government building (KosovaPress)

Dozens of activists of the three opposition parties, the Vetevendosje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and Initiative for Kosovo, on Friday developed an action in front of the government building, placing a picture of Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci holding a hammer with a picture of Justice Minister Hajredin Kuci. The activists said that as long as Kuci remains Justice Minister, there will be no law and order in Kosovo.

Organizer: Thaci confirms visit to Belgrade (B92)

Hasim Thaci has "confirmed his visit to Belgrade to attend a conference on European integration of the Western Balkans due to take place from April 23 to 25."

This was announced late on Thursday by the organizer, the Youth Education Committee NGO.

The organization said that it invited ministers of foreign affairs of "Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo, representatives of the EU delegation in Serbia, embassy officials and expert public" to attend the gathering dubbed, "European integration of the Western Balkans: We can do better together."

Opposition to boycott the Assembly (Koha)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Vetevendosje Movement and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said today they would boycott today’s and future sessions of the Kosovo Assembly after discussions on the petition with over 30,000 signatures against electricity prices were not included in the agenda. The AAK proposed the discussion but it failed to secure enough votes from MPs. Meanwhile, the three opposition parties held a press conference announcing that they will boycott the Assembly session.

Thaci in Belgrade? (Vecernje Novosti)

Hashim Thaci was invited by NGO Youth education Committee to attend conference “EU integration of the western Balkan: we can do it better together”. As media in Pristina reported Thaci accepted the invitation. But, as soon he would step in Belgrade Hashim Thaci could be arrested because in 1997 he was sentenced on 10 years in prison for terrorism. In 2002 was issued a warrant against him.

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic has said that the warrant for the arrest of Hashim Thaci is valid in Serbia.

Nobody has confirmed the arrest warrant for Thaci (Danas)

Yesterday in the competent state institutions of Serbia nobody wanted to officially confirm whether the central warrant for the Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci withdrawn or is in force. The Office of the War Crimes sent us to Interpol, and the Serbian Interior Ministry to the Ministry of Justice. Danas was told unofficially in multiple sources that warrant still exists, but they did not want to answer the question about the possible arrest of Thaci in Belgrade.

Thaci and Dacic to attend a conference in The Hague (Koha)

Foreign Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Hashim Thaci and Ivica Dacic, are among more than 40 other world officials taking part in the two-day Global Conference on Cyberspace beginning today in The Hague. The conference will be opened by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and will also be attended by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland.