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Thaci calls on leaders to rise above their own interests (Gazeta Express)

After the Constitutional Court announced its ruling on the election of the President of the Assembly, Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Hashim Thaci has called on leaders of other political parties to rise above their party and own interests. “Let us now work together to implement the results of the June 8 national elections. The PDK, as winner of these elections, will work with a generous will and a spirit of understanding with the Kosovar political spectrum. Now is the time for every leader and every party to rise above their own interests for the sake of the state and society.

Thaçi claims that he has reached an agreement to create institutions with “6+” after election coalition (kohaonline)

Hashim Thaçi, leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, stated that he has not had any problems to recognize the after election coalition created by the group of six deputies from the non-Serb minorities at the Assembly of Kosovo.


Thaci: Important days for German investments (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said today that he expects the Balkans Conference in Berlin to bring important German investments to Kosovo. Thaci, together with other prime ministers from the Balkans, will attend the conference hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on 28 August. Thaci also wrote on his Facebook account that he met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, “to coordinate presentations for investments in Kosovo and Albania”.

Ramadani: Thaci and PDK turned Kosovo into a valley of extremisms (Gazeta Express)

In an interview for Express, Burim Ramadani, Secretary General of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), recalls that the previous government had promised to turn Kosovo into Silicon Valley, "but PDK leader Hashim Thaci and his party have instead turned the country into a valley of extremisms".

Outgoing PM Thaci gives interview to Deutsche Welle (dailies)

Outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, gave an interview to Deutsche Welle where he said that despite difficulties in the creation of new Kosovo institutions, the special court will be put in place by January, at the latest. “Assembly of Kosovo has approved the creation of the special court and Kosovo will act on its obligations and requests from the international community. I have complete confidence that the Kosovo political spectrum will be unified in this direction”, said Thaci.


Witness mentioning Thaci at the trial Drenica 2 (International Radio Serbia)

At the trial process known as "Drenica 2", where leaders of the terrorist KLA are charged with war crimes, a protected witness mentioned the name of outgoing Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.

"Witness A" stated before the court in northern Mitrovica that 12 KLA commanders were responsible for the prison in Likovac, where he himself was held. Asked by the prosecutor as to who was in charge of the prison, the witness mentioned Thaci's name, according to Pristina media.


Thaci: We will stop this evil (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, commented on today’s arrests of supporters of ISIS and Al-Nusra in Kosovo. “As I announced last week, state mechanisms have launched a wide-scale operation against people suspected of participating in the war in Syria and Iraq. 40 people were arrested on suspicion of having participated in foreign wars by threatening our national security and constitutional order. We are determined to stop this evil and we will not stop.

Troubles with Thaci, all rely on Serbs (Danas)

Pristina, Belgrade - Political analysts from Belgrade and Pristina, Dusan Janjic and Fatmir Sheholi agree that the report of the Head of a special team to investigate allegations of human organ trafficking Clint Williamson, although did not announce the names of the responsible, is going to speed up the solution of post-election political crisis in Pristina and the formation of new Kosovo government.