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Hyseni: Membership in international organizations, important for Kosovo (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, on Monday met with the director of the Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI), Trpe Stojanovski. Hyseni noted that Kosovo’s membership in this initiative would contribute to further stabilization of the security situation in the region. Hyseni said that Kosovo's membership in international organizations and regional initiatives is among the top priorities of the Ministry of Interior.

Unemployment forcing Roma community to migrate (Koha)

Dozens of Roma families from the village Plemetin have migrated to the European Union countries in the past few months. Their favorite destination is France, where they feel they have greater chances to win asylum status. Roma families in Kosovo complain for poor living conditions and high unemployment rate have pushed them to flee Kosovo. Ismet Haliti is one of the members of this community who is unemployed and has an eight-member family. He says that he would follow the example of others, to migrate to the EU, if he had the money.

Over 100 persons repatriated from Germany, Austria and Hungary (Koha)

Over 100 persons who migrated to Germany, Austria and Hungary in late 2014 and early this year, were repatriated to Kosovo on Wednesday.  The costs of returns were covered by Austrian state, while Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, warned that many more people would be repatriated during this month. Hyseni asked for additional funds by the government of Kosovo, in order to facilitate the repatriation of migrants.

The consequences of ruling the law (Kosova Sot)

The paper on its front-page editorial today writes that the policy of ruling the law in Kosovo has brought the justice system on the edge, hence making it very difficult to achieve the required results in the fight against corruption and organized crime. As a consequence, the migration of the dissatisfied people will not stop, thus endangering the process of visa liberalization for Kosovo. The paper writes that Kosovo needs deep reforms and rule of law, not misleading cosmetic changes, if it wants to return hopes for a better future to its people.

EU Commissioner Hails Kosovo For Curbing Illegal Migration (Turkish Weekly)

Dimitris Avramopolous, the European Commissioner for Migration, praised the downward trend in illegal migration from Kosovo, saying visa liberalisation with the EU was in reach.

The EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, lauded the recent drop in illegal migration to EU countries.

EU commissioner optimistic on visa liberalization for Kosovo (Lajmi)

The European Union Commissioner for Migration, Internal Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said on Tuesday that very soon there will be some good news regarding visa liberalization for Kosovo. “Only with real results in fighting high-level corruption, and prevention of irregular migration, the EU will help the citizens of Kosovo, to travel without visas,” he said.

In Kosovo, false promises lead many to seek a better life in Germany (DW)

More than 18,000 people from Kosovo have arrived in Germany since the start of the year in search of a better life. DW's Bahri Cani met one family at a home for asylum seekers in the town of Hemer.

Two-year-old Aurora has a bad cough and a runny nose. Her mother, Zoja, pregnant with her second child, tries to comfort her. Both have tears in their eyes. Father and husband Valdet Brahimi buries his face in his hands and sighs deeply. "They lied to us. If I had known that, I never would have done this," he says.

Theo Francken: Belgium will not grant asylum to people from Ksoovo (Indeksonline)

The Belgium State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Theo Francken, is staying in Kosovo on a three-day campaign-visit to prevent irregular immigration. Francken, met with Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni, and reiterated that there will be no asylum granted to the people of Kosovo. "We have many refugees from various countries. We have many people from Kosovo and Albania, and other countries of the Balkans, to whom we will not grant asylum. There is no such thing as economic refugee,” said Francken.

Why have Kosovo politicians no empathy for the citizens (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s columnist and Brussels correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, writes that now when the wave of migration of the people of Kosovo to EU countries has subsided, the EU wants a debate and efforts in Kosovo focus on two aspects: to repatriate those who migrated to EU over the last months and to address issues that led to the migration influx. However, Palokaj is skeptical that Kosovo politicians will undertake concrete steps to address causes of migration because they still believe that the people had no valid reasons to leave Kosovo.