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Drecun: Pristina’s failure to act is encouraging migration (Blic)

Pristina’s failure to act indirectly encourages mass exodus of Albanians, said President of the Serbian Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun. He added that the intention of Pristina is to politically abuse discontent of the people, which go in search for a better life, so that Brussels would pressure Belgrade to recognize Kosovo as a state. He said that it is a kind of blackmail which Pristina applied successfully since the arrival of the international community. 

Stop massive hysteria! (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Halil Matoshi writes that there is a special war underway in Pristina to give ‘biblical proportions’ to the migration of people from Kosovo and thus distract the opinion from real problems Kosovo faces, namely the anti-government demonstrations. As emotional as images of people boarding the buses to get out of Kosovo are, Matoshi says Kosovo needs to demonstrate rationality and not emotionality and while it is final time to act in preventing further migration, assembly resolutions and police measures are not the right way to go about it.

The inexistent state (Kosova Sot)

Although there are different figures circulating in the media about the people that have recently left Kosovo, the paper says it is certain that over 100,000 persons have left only in the recent months. This wave of migration, says the paper, is in fact an evident case of human trafficking and it is unacceptable for authorities in Kosovo to remain idle in face of it. “The state has turned into an irresponsible spectator while people are fleeing in an organized way,” writes the paper.

Kosovo population drain challenges Germany's refugee policies (Deutsche Welle)

The number of Kosovars seeking asylum in the EU has drastically increased. It poses a challenge to recipient countries in the region, including Germany, and is on the agenda at Kosovo-Serbia talks in Brussels. Seven years after declaration of independence from Serbia, Kosovo is seeing a dramatic rise in the number of its citizens leaving to escape unemployment and poverty.

Serbia cannot give asylum to its own citizens (Danas)

Rados Djurovic, executive director of the Centre for the protection and assistance of the asylum seekers, explained that the stay of people from Kosovo is regulated by the decree of the Serbian government from 2011. “On the basis of this regulation Kosovo citizens who do not have Serbian documents when crossing the administrative line receive a certificate that allows them to stay in the territory of Serbia 15 days. Therefore, people who move through Serbia towards the EU are not here irregularly.

Extra police to be deployed on border with Hungary (B92)

Top officials of the police forces of Serbia, Hungary, Austria and Germany have agreed on greater cooperation as they work to prevent illegal migration.

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met in Belgrade on Monday with German Federal Police chief Dieter Roman, Hungarian Police Director Hungary Karoly Papp, and a delegation of the Austrian police.

Stefanovic announced afterwards that in addition to regular border police, Serbia will soon deploy the Gendarmerie unit and the "general jurisdiction" police at the border crossings with Hungary.


Opposition’s wrong fund (Kosova Sot)

The paper claims in its front-page editorial that the proposal of the opposition parties to the government of Kosovo to set up a fund to prevent the influx of people leaving for European countries by using it to create new jobs is an unsustainable idea because unemployment is not something that can be solved by a fund. Such funds would end up being misused by corrupt officials and reach a minimum effect.

A Parliamentary farce! (Kosova Sot)

Kosova Sot, on its front page editorial writes that the resolution on preventing the irregular migration of  Kosovo people, adopted by the government on Thursday, is not enough to solve this phenomenon. “The Kosovo Parliament even in the past adopted different kinds of resolutions, but they were never fulfilled. People are leaving Kosovo because they have lost hope that things will get better in this country.

EU: Kosovo government to prevent irregular migration (Radio Kosova)

Milica Petrovic, the European Commission Press Officer for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, told Radio Kosova on Thursday that the government of Kosovo should take strict measures to prevent the irregular migration. According to Petrovic, Kosovo government should increase its information campaign for immigrants; strengthen border controls in accordance with fundamental rights; investigate bus companies that allow travel from Kosovo and to strengthen operational cooperation with countries of transit and destination countries.