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Pacolli’s ultimatum to Serbia: You have seven days to implement the agreement (indeksonline)

Rrahim Pacolli, leader of the Kosovo delegation in the discussions between Pristina and Belgrade, in the field of insurances, visited today the border point between Kosovo and Serbia, Merdare.

There, he gave an ultimatum to Serbia to allow vehicles with RKS license plates to enter Serbia within seven days, or Kosovo would apply the same measures for the vehicles with Serbian license plates.

Pacolli visited Merdare to see implementation of the agreement for the free movement.

The bridge of an endless process (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Veton Surroi in an opinion piece today writes that at the time when Kosovo signed four agreements with Serbia in Brussels on 25 August, it showed Kosovo’s readiness to be part of a trap set by Serbian negotiators. “The trap is simple: create tables, which will examine and solve the specific problems by concerned citizens, but without the basic principles with which the negotiations will be guided on the table,” Surroi writes.

Now we can phone Kosovo, but is that enough? (Koha/Euractiv)

By David MacShane, UK’s Minister of the Balkans from 2001 to 2005.

The modest steps brokered by the EU between Serbia and Kosovo are to be welcomed. But the fact remains that more than 15 years since the fighting stopped in Kosovo, and 20 years since the Katyn-style massacres in Srebrenica, the Western Balkans is unable to move forward.

Veseli commends the agreements, expects official reports (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli through a press statement welcomed the agreements reached in Brussels between Pristina and Belgrade and said he expects official reporting on the process and the content of the agreements. “We believe that the Government, which has all the legitimate authority to represent Kosovo and to make decisions in the dialogue with Serbia, is at the right level of political maturity and its responsibilities that derive from the Constitution of Kosovo.

Haradinaj: Pristina – Belgrade agreement violates Kosovo’s Constitution (Indeksonline)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, during a press conference today said that the agreement reached last night with Serbia violates Kosovo’s Constitution and endangers its sovereignty and territorial integrity. He said that these agreements are negative development for Kosovo.

The end of a marathon (Kosova Sot)

The paper on its front page editorial writes that after a marathon of discussions and international pressure, Pristina and Belgrade have finally signed a historic agreement. "Each party attempted to look triumphant in this agreement, although apparently, both sides have made compromises. Kosovo side is satisfied that the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities will have no executive competences, while the Serbian side insists that this Association/Community will have lots of competences and will be financed by Serbia,” notes the editorial.

U.S. commends signing of agreements in Brussels (Tanjug)

The United States welcomed the important agreements reached between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels and lauded the dedication of both sides to this process.

"The agreements finalized today on energy, telecommunications, establishment of an Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities, as well as on the Freedom of Movement/Mitrovica Bridge, will improve the lives of people in both countries," reads a statement issued by the U.S. Department of State on Tuesday.

Transparency in dialogue (Kosova Sot)

The paper writes in its editorial today that it is unclear what agreement today’s meeting between Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers in Brussels will produce but one thing is certain and that is that there is no transparency from the Kosovo side about the dialogue. Kosovo officials continue to reiterate that they would not sign anything that damages Kosovo but according to the paper the reality is that they have done so until now.

Kosovo dialogue resumes in Brussels (Dailies)

A new round of Kosovo dialogue at the level of prime ministers resumes in Brussels on Tuesday with the mediation of the EU.

One of the main topics of discussion will be the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo.

As announced by EU's external service, the two sides will seek to finalize agreements on the ZSO, energy, telecom, and will also discuss freedom of movement on a bridge in Mitrovica.