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Kosovo needs a unit for inter-ethnic incidents (TV Most, RTS)

The Kosovo Government should establish special investigative units within the police to deal with ethnically motivated attacks in Kosovo, assessed the research conducted by the Non-Governmental Organizations Centre for Peace and Tolerance and Aktiv.

One could have a similar structure as a unit for the preservation of Serbian cultural heritage, it is suggested in the analysis "Potential ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo - ugly Story Never Told", that was presented yesterday in Pristina.

The incidents in northern Kosovo disturb the citizens (RTK2)

The incidents in northern Kosovo gain momentum, in the night between Friday and Saturday in a shootout in a coffee shop in Zvečan/Zveqan, severely were injured two brothers, while on Saturday evening, near a police station and the court in North Mitrovica, an explosive device was thrown at a police patrol. In the incident one police officer was injured, who was released from hospital after initial medical treatment.

Jablanović: Belgrade has no freedom to act (KoSSev, Vesti)

The biggest problem for the security of Serbs is that the current Albanian political representatives do not want their return to Metohija, told Vesti Aleksandar Jablanović, founder of the Serbian list and the former minister for return in the Kosovo government.

Serbs are once again under attack in Klina/Klinë and Srbica/Skenderaj. Kosovo Ministry for Return condemns attacks, why Belgrade has no sharper reaction?

Two girls verbally and physically assaulted in Preoce village (RTK2, TV Most, KIM radio, Blic)

Two nights ago, in the village of Preoce, around 8 pm, unknown persons verbally and physically attacked two girls, sisters aged 12 and 14 years, their parents told the RTK2. A month ago in Gracanica, a girl (9 years) was attacked. However, both cases were not reported to the police.

“Attacks against courts, indication that everything is getting worse” (Indeksonline)

The news site quotes Burim Ramadani, a security expert, saying that the low level of people's trust in the judiciary is no excuse for the recent attacks against courts and state vehicles in Kosovo. “Public polls in the last couple of years have shown that people have a low level of trust in the judiciary. The judiciary in general is one of the less-developed sectors in Kosovo. An independent judiciary is only an objective and one that is very difficult to achieve.

Kosovo steps up security amid terrorist attack fears (Kosovapress)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa called a meeting of the National Security Council today to discuss the security situation in Kosovo amid terrorist threat other countries are also facing. Mustafa asked the Kosovo security institutions to undertake necessary steps in being ready to face any possible situation related to terrorist threats. “Republic of Kosovo is an active part of the global alliance against terrorism and violent extremism and has its responsibilities in this common fight,” said Mustafa at the meeting.

Opposing views on security in the northern Kosovo (RTK2)

According to the Kosovo police, the situation in the north is normalized. Yet politicians have conflicting opinions.

The deputy regional commander of the Kosovo police Besim Hoti stressed that the current situation in the north is stable regardless of the incidents that have occurred in recent days. He said that police presence increased.

CI SDP: Are EULEX, KFOR and KPS waiting for serious incidents to happen? (Kontakt plus)

Citizens' Initiative SDP announced today that the latest attack on the former building of Kosovska Mitrovica municipality represents another in a series of provocative acts against Serbs in Kosovo.

SDP calls on the international representatives in Kosovo to use their influence and impact on calming the situation in order not to repeat the unfortunate events of the past when Serbs were expelled from Kosovo by an organized violence.

Religious extremism still a threat to Kosovo (Danas)

“There are still two major challenges for security in Kosovo: the growth of religious extremism and the potential for unrest as a result of the economic, social and political instability. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that security institutions focus their efforts in order to find out the true causes and potentially prevent the eruption of events that could arise from these challenges,” told Florian Qehaja, executive director of the Kosovo Centre for Security Studies.