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Kosovo and the US sign extradition treaty (Zeri)

Kosovo and the United States of America today signed an extradition treaty. The agreement was signed by the outgoing President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga and the United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie. Jahjaga said "this agreement will ensure that criminals who pose a threat to our countries will be brought to justice," while Delawie said this agreement enhances the credibility of Kosovo. “Judges and prosecutors will be trained for efficiency in pursuing criminals. Our Government will spend 12 million dollars on this issue,” Delawie said.

Delawie: Opposition has interrupted a democratic process (Koha)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, today said he is again disappointed by the opposition parties who continue to interrupt the Assembly sessions by throwing teargas in the Assembly. “The oppistion showed today that there can be a debate in the Assembly. However, they are interrupting a democratic process. The US has faith in Kosovo democracy," Delawie said.


U.S. Ambassador calls for prosecution of attack on Minister’s car (Koha)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, reacted today against the attack on the family vehicle of Agriculture Minister Memli Krasniqi. “Concerned about reports that Memli Krasniqi’s vehicle was burned. All crimes should be investigated and prosecuted,” Delawie wrote on his Twitter account.

Delawie: I won’t apologize for my statements against violence in the Assembly (media)

The United States Ambassador in Kosovo, Greg Delawie, said today in Pristina that he does not plan to apologize for his statements condemning the use of violence and in support of democracy. Delawie, who is attending a round-table on the fight against corruption, also said: “I am glad I live in a country such as Kosovo where freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Constitution. I won’t apologize for supporting justice and I will never support the use of teargas and violence in Kosovo.

Justice Party: Petition calling for Delawie’s dismissal is unacceptable (Koha)

The Justice Party, a partner in the ruling coalition, issued a media communiqué saying that the petition calling for the dismissal of U.S. Ambassador Greg Delawie is unacceptable and unreasonable. “Although they may seem democratic, no one should forget the tendency of such initiatives to provoke clashes with the international community, namely with the United States of America; this does not represent the will of the people of Kosovo. Therefore, such actions require a response.

Only four percent of women have property rights (Telegrafi)

During a conference on “Increased Participation of Marginalized Groups in Kosovo” today, the Ambassador of the United States in Kosovo, Greg Delawie, said that everyone has a responsibility to ensure that all groups are able to exercise their full rights. “When people are pushed to the margins of society, they have a much more difficult time exercising their economic, political, cultural, and social rights. This exclusion constrains economic development and undermines the democratic process.

Choosing Kosovo’s path in 2016 (Kosova Sot)

In an opinion piece for the paper, the US Ambassador Greg Delawie says that 2015 was a year of successes and also challenges for Kosovo. The positive developments include the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU, finalization of the stand-by agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as agreements with Serbia on normalization of relations. In addition, Kosovo in December received the news of having been qualified for programmes of the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

Delawie and Jevtic discussed the situation, return and minority rights (KiM radio)

Minister Dalibor Jevtic and US Ambassador to Pristina Greg Delawie yesterday held a meeting.  "The topics of the meeting were political situation, returns and rights of non-majority nations in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the security situation. Minister evaluated security situation as alarming, after the recent incidents that happened in Gorazdevac and Srbobran," reads the statement of the Kosovo Ministry for Returns.

Delawie pledges US support for returns process (Telegrafi)

The Kosovo Minister for Returns and Communities Dalibor Jevtic met the US Ambassador Greg Delawie yesterday in Pristina to discuss the current political situation as well as the return and the rights of communities in Kosovo. In the meeting, Ambassador Delawie expressed the US support for the return of the members of communities to Kosovo.