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Organizer: Thaci confirms visit to Belgrade (B92)

Hasim Thaci has "confirmed his visit to Belgrade to attend a conference on European integration of the Western Balkans due to take place from April 23 to 25."

This was announced late on Thursday by the organizer, the Youth Education Committee NGO.

The organization said that it invited ministers of foreign affairs of "Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo, representatives of the EU delegation in Serbia, embassy officials and expert public" to attend the gathering dubbed, "European integration of the Western Balkans: We can do better together."

Nobody has confirmed the arrest warrant for Thaci (Danas)

Yesterday in the competent state institutions of Serbia nobody wanted to officially confirm whether the central warrant for the Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci withdrawn or is in force. The Office of the War Crimes sent us to Interpol, and the Serbian Interior Ministry to the Ministry of Justice. Danas was told unofficially in multiple sources that warrant still exists, but they did not want to answer the question about the possible arrest of Thaci in Belgrade.

Thaci: Association of Serb Municipalities will never be autonomy (Lajmi/Reporter)

Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, told Slovenian weekly Reporter that Serbs are part of the Kosovo Assembly and that soon they will rejoin the government and other institutions. “Kosovo is home to all its residents and together we can build a future with the participation of all communities in state institutions,” he said. Thaci said that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities will be created in line with the Brussels agreement reached between Pristina and Belgrade.

Thaci accepts NGO's invitation to attend Belgrade event (Beta, Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo Foreign Minister and Deputy PM Hashim Thaci has accepted an invitation "to come to Belgrade" on April 24, his deputy has confirmed.

According to Petrit Selimi, Thaci has provided "a preliminary positive reply." He added that "it is now the task for the Serbian authorities to guarantee his safe stay."

Selimi also observed that "the Kosovo government and the police have been able to guarantee complete security to President Nikolic, Prime Minister Vucic and other top-ranked Serbian officials who visited Kosovo."

Dacic: We have no request for Thaci’s visit (FoNet)

I do not have any information about the visit of Hashim Thaci to Belgrade and I have learned about it from the media, said Ivica Dacic, Serbian Foreign Minister and added that Serbia has not received any formal request for approval of such a visit.

Dacic told reporters in Belgrade that meeting, as media reports, at which should participate and Hashim Thaci, will not be organized by the state than the non-governmental sector. He also said that he as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia will not participate in it.

Belgrade and Pristina have the same policy (KIM radio)

Former Mayor of Strpce/ Shtërpce, Zvonko Mihajlovic said that Belgrade and Pristina, when it comes to Kosovo Serbs, currently have the same policy.

Commenting session of the Strpce/Shtërpce municipality, which discussed the master plan for investment in the ski resort Brezovica, head of the Radical Party in this Municipality, said that this reflected the actions of Albanian lobbyists operating in the ranks of the Serbian community.

Pavicevic: Normalization is happening every day (Blic)

The normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina happens every day, said today liaison officer of the Government of Serbia in Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic, pointing out that it is important that this process takes place.

- Although a lot has been implemented, there is still much to be applied - said Pavicevic at the panel discussion "Four years of negotiations: the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina."

Informal ministerial meeting held in Pristina (B92, Tanjug, Beta)

An informal meeting of ministers of foreign affairs and ministers of transport of regional countries was held in Pristina on Wednesday.

Serbia was represented by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, Tanjug reported.

Mogherini in Pristina and Belgrade (RTS, TV Most, Akter)

High Representative of the European Union, Federica Mogherini on Thursday will be in Pristina and on Friday in Belgrade. She will encourage dialogue between the two sides in a meeting with the heads of government of Serbia and Kosovo, and see how to overcome the stalemate over the statute of the Association/Community of Serbian municipalities.

Regional officials in Pristina on Wednesday (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Regional officials will confer in Pristina on Wednesday on priority infrastructure projects and regional connections, it was stated at the South East Europe 2020 conference in Belgrade on Monday.

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport, who announced that he will attend the conference, said that the topics will comprise traffic, regional connections and positioning of the region in pan-European transport networks.