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Gračanica Book Fair was banned (Vesti)

After three years of organizing the book fair in Gračanica, which is village that does not have even a bookstore, Pristina institutions denied the right to the citizens of that village to enjoy the books, at least for a fifteen days. Vidovdan Book Fair, which was to be held from 15 June to 01 July, was cancelled due to the ban on crossing the books in Serbian language to Kosovo and Metohija.

Jablanović: Belgrade has no freedom to act (KoSSev, Vesti)

The biggest problem for the security of Serbs is that the current Albanian political representatives do not want their return to Metohija, told Vesti Aleksandar Jablanović, founder of the Serbian list and the former minister for return in the Kosovo government.

Serbs are once again under attack in Klina/Klinë and Srbica/Skenderaj. Kosovo Ministry for Return condemns attacks, why Belgrade has no sharper reaction?

Dick Marty speaks as potential KLA crimes witness is shot (B92, Alo, KIM radio, Vesti)

Dick Marty has warned that "some people" who were to testify before a new court for KLA crimes "have already been killed."

The Swiss Senator and former Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur spoke a day after the killing of Bedri Curri, a former KLA member and potential witness for the court. Curri's body was found last week near Glogovac in Kosovo.

Situation was not so difficult since 1999 (Vesti)

Interview: Ksenija Bozovic, President of North Mitrovica Municipal Assembly

Pristina does not want to cooperate with the Serbs, they want us on the margins, and to not be asked for anything, says Ksenija Bozovic, President of the Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica North and Vice President of the Civil Initiative "Serbia, democracy, justice - Oliver Ivanović ", in an interview with "Vesti". Serbs do not have the conditions for a normal life, and their eyes are fixed on Belgrade.

Kosovo Interior Ministry: Islamists did not plan attack in Serbia (KIM radio, TV Most, Vesti, Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo Interior Ministry confirmed that three Islamists were arrested on suspicion that they were engaged in recruitment of new members, not because of planning attacks in Serbia.

Three members of the Islamic state were arrested on the basis of operational data, which Kosovo received from Turkey and another country.

According to information Tanjug received, there was no indication that the three arrested intended and planned attacks in Serbia, as some media have reported.

Can NATO protect Serbs in Kosovo? (Vesti, Sputnik)

The dust that rose in Serbia's parliament about the adoption of the agreement with NATO has not yet settled. In light of the pre-election quarrels, the question of all questions, “can and will NATO protect the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija?”, remains unanswered, writes Sputnik. Orhan Dragas, the Director of the International Center for Security, told Sputnik that the agreement must encourage the Serbs in Kosovo, adding that they want to believe that the agreement will guarantee the Serbs a better life than they have had so far, when it comes to safety.


Jevtic: Pristina is unaware of the danger of jihad (Vesti)

“NATO data show that more than 600 people from Kosovo went to fight for the Islamic State, whereas according to official date the number is 300. There is no official information on who they are, who recruited them and how they went there. However, it is believed that a network for recruiting already exists, attracting young and poor people with money,” told Dalibor Jevtic, Kosovo Minister for communities and returns and member of the Security Council of Kosovo.

The Serbian government shuts down "non-functional" institutions (Vesti)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said on Thursday in Novo Brdo that Serbia would establish a full control over assistance that Serbian Government allocated for the Serbs in Kosovo and that it would reconsider the survival of Serbian institutions that exist only "on paper".

- Serbian institutions that chronically are functioning poorly in Kosovo and Metohija have to be tailored to the needs of our people in the southern province after 16 years - Djuric said.