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Paralovo: Brothers Ibishi again attacked Stojković family (Kim radio)

Brothers Shukri and Sabri Ibishi again physically assaulted members of the family Stojković from the village Paralovo, Novo Brdo/ Novobërdë Municiplaity. "I tried to record on mobile phone that they let cattle eat our planted vegetables, so I could report the incident to the Kosovo Police. When the brothers Ibishi saw it they started to throw stones on me. Finally, they insulted me and threatened that they will make ambush when I go to work," said Dragan Stojković.

Problems of women under-represented in the Brussels talks (Kim radio)

In North Mitrovica was presented a project "Women's rights and the Brussels agreement," which is jointly implemented by the NGO "Women's Rights" and Radio Mitrovica North. The project aims to contribute to better realization of women's rights in the process of normalization of relations between Pristina and Belgrade. Director of the NGO "Women's Rights" Ružica Simić assessed that the interests of the women were not sufficiently represented by the Brussels agreement.

Victoria Nuland met with Stojanović and Tomić (KiM radio)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović and Director of the Office for Communities Ivan Tomić talked with the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. As noted in a statement the Office of the Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Stojanović and Tomić introduced Nuland with the conditions in which the Serbian people live in Kosovo. Special emphasis was on the problem of unemployment. Stojanović highlighted the importance of creating the conditions for the new jobs.

OSCE Mission in Kosovo violates the right of Serbs on informing (KiM radio)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) with its branch Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) sent a protest letter to the OSCE mission, because it didn’t provide translation for the Serbian journalists, during the conference organized in Pristina on prevention of violent extremism and radicalism.

Serbian List: Regulation on pensions is illegal (Kim radio)

Serbian MPs in the Kosovo parliament have filed with the Constitutional Court of Kosovo "a request for verification of the legality of administrative instruction", which provides a new method of registering and exercising pension rights, granted to the citizens over 65 years. The filed request was signed by all 10 MPs of the Serbian List.

Đurić condemns the arrest of six Serb (KIM radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić strongly condemns the harassment of six Serbs who were arrested on the road Klina/Klinë-Peć/Pejë, on their return from the celebration in the village Donji Petrić.

In a written statement to the media, Đurić has requested the authorities to release the detained Serbs.

Russia reacts to decision to allow Kosovo to join PCA (B92, Blic, KIM radio, TV Most)

The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague allowed Pristina to join by ignoring the arguments of those who do not recognize Kosovo’s independence.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said this on Tuesday in Moscow, replying to reporters' questions.

Kozarev with Plassat about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Blic)

Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Dušan Kozarev spoke with a representative of Slovakia in the Committee for the enlargement of the EU Council (COELA), Anna Plassat on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and about the plan of Slovakia for the upcoming presidency in the European Union.

Serbian List requests withdrawal of the Law on verification of property (KiM radio)

The head of the parliamentary group the Serbian List Slavko Simić submitted to the Constitutional Court of Kosovo a request for withdrawal of the Law on Agency for Comparison and Verification of Property. The request was signed by the MPs of the Serbian List and MPs from Gorani community.   The main reason for filing a complaint was non-compliance with the procedure provided in the Article 81 of the Constitution of Kosovo, during the adoption of laws concerning the rights of the Serbian community, reads the statement of Serbian list.