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The opposition in Serbia: Whose will be the Community/Association?

Representatives of the opposition Democratic Party today in the Assembly have asked the Government of Serbia and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to explain what the executive powers were agreed for the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities.

Borislav Stefanovic, from the Democratic party, has asked what are the executive powers of the ZSO, will the ZSO, for example, be able to appoint directors of hospitals and schools, and by whose laws will be determined school programs.

KFOR Commander met the US Ambassador Delawie and UNMIK Chief Farid Zarif (KIM radio)

KFOR Commander, Major General Miglietta met the new United States Ambassador in Kosovo, Greg Delawie.

General Miglietta and Ambassador Delawie discussed the overall situation in Kosovo focusing, mainly, on next month challenges like the implementation of the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue, the future of EULEX and the implementation of the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities.

Simic: The best way to point the case of Ivanovic is in Brussels (KIM radio)

Igor Simic from the defence team of the SDP leader told KIM radio that starting the story about Oliver Ivanovic in Brussels, in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, was the best way to draw attention to the violation of his human rights.

“I do not expect anyone to influence the judiciary, but this is absolutely the best way to influence the violation of basic human rights of Mr Oliver Ivanovic or any Serb in Kosovo and Metohija.”

17 years since the disappearance of journalists near Orahovac (KiM radio)

Today is 17th anniversary from the kidnapping of journalists from Radio Pristina, Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic.

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) will visit today the memorial dedicated to the missing colleagues, in a place between Velika Hoca and Zociste, where they were seen last time. On the memorial stone is written in Serbian and Albanian language: "Here, on 21 August 1998, disappeared journalists. We're looking for them."


Djuric: Our goal in Brussels is establishment of ZSO (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

Director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo-Metohija Marko Djuric said today that the representatives of Belgrade in the dialogue with Pristina will go to Brussels next week with an aim to bring about the establishment of the community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) in the southern province.

After a meeting with the officials of Serb municipalities in KiM, Djuric said that the Belgrade delegation will try to justify the trust of all citizens of Serbia and bring about the agreement on setting up the ZSO.

Family visited Ivanovic in hospital (KIM Radio)

The family of leader of the CI SDP Oliver Ivanovic, who has been in Kosovska Mitrovica hospital since Saturday because he started hunger strike in prison, managed to visit him on Tuesday. Ivanovic's sister Natasa Ilic said that the Kosovo police denied hospital visits for three days, and that even yesterday they were waiting for over two hours in a hospital corridor with Ivanovic's four-year-old son.

Stojanovic: We will react to any violation of the rights of Serbs (RTS, KIM radio, TV Most)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic said today that all Serbs are interested in the case of the detention of the Civic Initiative leader SDP Oliver Ivanovic and that they would react each time when an individual's rights were threatened.

"So far we did not interfere as the political representatives, but now it becomes clear that this is no ordinary case and that some things are happening that are not regular in law and this we need to point out," said Stojanovic visiting the RTS.

Serbian National Forum supports Oliver Ivanovic (KIM radio)

Serbian National Forum (SNF) announced that it supports the protests and initiative for the release of Oliver Ivanovic and Dragoljub Delibasic.

"On the occasion of an initiative to hold a protest against the scandalous relationship of EULEX towards the detained Serbs, primarily Oliver Ivanovic and Dragoljub Delibasic, who are being unjustifiably kept in detention unreasonably long time and without no fault proven, SNF joins the protests and initiatives for their release," the statement said.