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Good witness protection program is important (KIM Radio)

After adoption of the decision on the establishment of the Special Court for KLA war crimes in Kosovo, the most important is that there is a good witness protection program, assesses Vienna daily "Standard". Months-long straining about the establishment of the Court shows that leader of the largest party PDK, Hashim Thaci, doesn’t have control over his people, which is less likely knowing hierarchical relationships, or encounters organized resistance in shedding the light on the KLA crimes, writes the paper.

The indictment against the mayor of Shterpce/Strpce (KIM radio)

The mayor of Shterpce/Strpce Bratislav Nikolic was charged before the Municipal Court in Ferizaj/Urosevac to have misused his official position by unlawfully increasing the amount of the contract worth a million and a half euros for the construction of residential buildings in the place.

Together with Nikolic was charged and the procurement officer of the municipality of Shterpce/Strpce, Agim Rexhepi, reports the Pristina portal "Kallxo".

Kostic: Intrusion in the Gracanica premises is unacceptable (KIM radio)

Gracanica municipality and its mayor Vladeta Kostic condemned the intrusion in the facilities of the organization that is operating in Gracanica.

Recall, the representatives of the Central Bank of Kosovo, accompanied by members of the special police ROSU, intruded into office of Jugobanka AD in Gracanica and took part of the documentation and equipment. One bank clerk has been taken for questioning. Kostic points out that in these buildings, "do not work criminals but people who in these difficult times are trying to survive in Kosovo."

Brussels process: two-way, ambiguous, fatal or historic one? (KIM Radio)

Implementation of the reached agreements and reaching new ones in the Brussels process is sometimes unnecessarily delayed, said participants of the public debate dubbed “Implementation of the Brussels agreements, what has been accomplished, and what was not?”, that took place in the Media Center in village Čaglavica in Gračanica/Graçanicë municipality.

Justice will reach responsible for crimes (KIM Radio)

On the occasion of the commemoration of the 17th anniversary of crimes committed against Serbs in period 1998-2000 in Velika Hoca in Orahovac/Rahovec municipality, the chairperson of the Serbian Government’s Office for Missing Persons Veljko Odalović stated that the time will come, after creation of the special court for Kosovo Liberation Army war crimes, that all responsible for crimes committed against Serbs in that municipality are brought to justice.


Society that can’t establish the court can’t move forward (KIM Radio)

Serbian Minister for Labor Aleksandar Vulin said today in Zočište near Orahovac/Rahovec that creation of the special court for  Kosovo Liberation Army war crimes would come late but is welcome anyways, and added that society that can’t create such court can’t move forward.

Vulin also said that he is worried due to latest incidents in Kosovo and Metohija and added that escalation of violence is not coincidence.