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Contradictory statements of witnesses at Ivanovic’s trial (KIM Radio)

In cross-examination at the trial of Oliver Ivanovic, prosecution witness Muhamed Lapashtica gave contradictory statements, claims defence attorney. "In four days three witnesses were questioned and their statements are inconsistent," said Ivanovic’s lawyer Nebojiša Vlajić. 

He explained that the witnesses are contradictory in their statements related to the event on 14 April 1999. "I am sure that the public prosecutor’s charge cannot be supported by evidence, what is more and more clear as the trial progresses," said Vlajić. 

Vladeta Kostic takes over his duties on Thursday (KIM Radio)

Newly elected president of Gracanica Municipality Vladeta Kostic will take over his duties on Thursday, 29 January. The President of the Gracanica Municipal Assembly, Brankica Kostic, has scheduled the inaugural meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Gracanica, at which Vladeta Kostic will be inaugurated. Vladeta Kostic was elected as president of Gracanica in the first round of extraordinary elections held on 18 January, winning 64.83% of the votes.

No reasons for panicking after stoning of the diplomatic premises of Montenegro (KIM Radio)

Diplomatic representative of Montenegro in Kosovo Radovan Miljanic said that that ‘there are no reasons for panicking’ after the stoning of a diplomatic premises of Montenegro in Pristina during Saturday’s protests and added that relations will remain good.

Miljanic said to Podgorica-based daily Pobjeda that he is satisfied with the reaction of Kosovo Police and Kosovo government with relation to the incident and added that police carried out an inspection of the site and soon after an apology was offered by the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Petrit Selimi.


UNS and DNKiM are requesting resignation of the management of RTK 2 (KIM Radio)

The Journalist’s Association of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of K&M (DNKiM) are requesting resignation of the management of RTK 2 because of reporting during the Saturday’s protests in Pristina, the politicization of the profession, uncritical attitude towards the Kosovo authorities, the relation towards the profession and their reporters in the field.                                    &nbs

UÇK graffiti insulting displaced Serbs from Đakovica (KIM Radio, KoSSev)

Association of displaced Serbs from Đakovica/Gjakovë requested on Saturday that insulting graffiti “UÇK”, that appeared on the wall of the Virgin Merry Monastery in that town a week ago, is removed.

In a communiqué the Association said that such graffiti is disturbing for four old ladies who have remained to live in Đakovica. “We consider this as an insult and humiliation of all pilgrims from Đakovica who were stoned on the Christmas Day”.

Condemnations of the attack on Serbian journalists (KIM Radio, RTK2))

Civic Initiative Srpska (CI Srpska) most sharply condemned the attack on the RTK2 Serbian journalists’ crew, Aleksandar Jovanovic and Bojan Kosanin, and RTS cameraman Vladimir Milic, during yesterday’s protests in Pristina.

“Threats and attacks on journalists prove to which extent media freedom is jeopardized in Kosovo despite all efforts invested by Serbs in building the trust and coexistence,” communicated CI Srpska.

Gračanica from Kosovo village to urban settlement (KIM Radio)

Vladeta Kostic, newly elected Mayor of Gračanica/Graçanicë plans to transform   Gračanica/Graçanicë from Kosovo rural settlement into an urban settlement.

“My political endeavors, that is political struggle, is that we try to make out of Gračanica an administrative, cultural, even an economic center of Serbs. I would personally like that we construct a building in Gračanica where most important institution for Kosovo Serbs would  be located,” said Kostic to RTV Kim.
