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Ivanovic: Missing freedom (KIM radio)

The leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic, who is detained for seven months now, argues that charges against him for alleged war crimes in Kosovo are senseless and that he will prove it. He says that he missis freedom the most.

Ivanovic said to daily Informer that with his arrest, ahead of elections in Kosovo, someone wanted to provoke unrests.

“The case has been reheated after 15 years, the one which UNMIK has dropped because it was obvious that I was not guilty,” said Ivanovic.


Milosavljevic: The Constitutional Court will give guidance (KiM Radio)

If it turns out that Isa Mustafa was not legally elected president of the parliament, the Constitutional Court will provide further guidance, says MP Sasa Milosavljevic. "It is important that the Assembly was constituted and that the mandates are verified. The court could only decide whether the President of the Assembly was elected according to the Constitution, or not. If a decision is made that the President is not elected according to the Constitution, then they will give the exact procedure according to which MPs should be guided, "said Milosavljevic.

Mihajlovic: I expect Ivanovic to be released pending trial (RTS, KiM radio, TV Most)

Milivoje Mihajlovic, Director of the Office for Media Relations in the Serbian Government, said today that judge should release on bail the CI SDP leader Oliver Ivanovic.

"I think judge should decide to release Ivanovic on bail, because it’s irrelevant for the political scene in Kosovo whether he is out of custody or in it, because he was arrested in order to be removed from political life ahead of parliamentary elections in Kosovo," Mihajlovic told Radio Television Serbia (RTS).

More firmly guarantees for Ivanovic (KIM radio)

Civic Initiative SDP appealed on Serbian government to extend more firmly guarantees for the release of Olvier Ivanovic from detention, which lasts for almost seven months now.

In Ivanovic’s absence CI SDP is headed by his deputy Ksenija Bozovic who explained that new, more firmly guarantees of the Serbian government would mean a lot in situation when indictment is raised, and when his latest detention order is about to expire.


Srpska won’t determine the government (Most,KIM radio)

Mayor of Gračanica/Graçanicë Branimir Stojanovic said yesterday that ‘Srpska’ is fighting for the rights of Serbian community in Kosovo.

In a panel discussion dubbed “Waiting for the Kosovo government”, which took place in Čaglavica/Çaglavicë, Stojanovic said that Srpska won’t determine the Kosovo government and repeated that Srpska had extended its support to the appointment of Isa Mustafa at the post of Assembly Speaker because they said earlier that they will support the one that has the majority for forming the government.