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Omerovic banned from visiting Ivanovic (KIM radio)

The management of the Correctional Service in Kosovska Mitrovica didn’t allow the chairperson of the Serbian parliament’s Committee for Human and Minority Rights Meho Omerovic to pay the visit to the leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Olvier Ivanovic.

The Committee issued a communiqué stating the Omerovic received the permission from Eulex, which he requested through the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, to visit Kosovska Mitrovica.


I did in Syria the same what KLA did in Kosovo (KIM radio)

The Jihadist from Kosovo, who posted a photo on social networks where he decapitates a man in Syria, said that “the same was done by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)”.

Pristina daily Express carried that 25 year old Lavdrim Muhadzeri, whose photos have disturbed the public recently, said to Tirana based daily Dita  that such punishment is provided by the Koran.

Muhadzeri, who is fighting on the side of rebels in Syria, said that 19-year old was “caught as a spy and that, in line with the Koran, execution is provided for those who are betraying Muslims”.


Education and health to remain in Serbia’s system (KIM radio)

Political basis is needed for creation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities by adoption of the statute, what is possible through agreement with the future government in Pristina, stated Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric and stressed that education and health sectors will remain in Serbia’s system.


New local councilors’ caucus in Štrpce/Shtërpcë municipal assembly (KIM radio)

Five councilors from the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) of Štrpce/Shtërpcë municipal assembly decided to create a separate councilors’ caucus – ‘Napred Štrpce’ (Go Strpce).

At yesterday’s regular session of Štrpce/Shtërpcë municipal assembly five councilors, who so far represented the SLS, decided to present themselves in future under the name ‘Napred Štrpce".


Drenovac: A cow stolen from a returnee (KIM radio)

A cow was stolen from Ranko Bogicevic last night in returnee village Drenovac in Klina/Kllinë municipality, carried Miinstry of Communities and Return.

Ministry stated that it most sharply condemns the theft and stressed that attacks and intimidation of the returnee families negatively influence on return of Serbs to Kosovo and added that such and similar cases are slowing down the pace of already slow process of return.


Pristina: Đurić and Pavićević on economy and coexistence (KIM radio)

Marko Đurić and Dejan Pavićević met today in the premises of the European Union Office in Pristina. Topics of the meeting were economy and common problems of Serbs and Albanians.

After the meeting, which took place behind the closed door, Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić said that he talked with Pavićević about economic issues and added that talks should take place with representatives of provisional Kosovo institutions about problems faced by Serbs and Albanians.


Serb returnee stoned in Klina (KiM radio)

Returnee Bogosav Dabizavljevic was stoned in Klina by a group of Albanians twice in the past week, according to the Ministry of Communities and Returns.

A younger group of Albanians thrown stones at Dabizavljevic (returnee to Klina as of 2007) and insulted him. The same group made greater damage to his orchard, which is the part of his house.

Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic strongly condemned the attacks on Dabizavljevic and urgently requested the attackers to be found and punished.


Two Serbs from Babin Most were sentenced to long prison terms (Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio)

Two Kosovo Serb from Babin Most were sentenced to a total of 22 years in prison for committing a war crime against the civilian population.

The Appellate Court in Pristina reversed the decision of Municipal Court in Mitrovica North and sentenced two Kosovo Serbs Jovica Dejanovic (54) and Djordje Bojkovic (72) to a total of 22 years in prison for committing a war crime against the civilian population. Dejanovic was sentenced to imprisonment of 12 years and Bojkovic 10 years.

Jevtic condemned the attack on the houses in Ljevosa (Kim Radio)

Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic, strongly condemned the attack on the houses of Serb returnees in the village Ljevoša, near Pec. "Kosovo needs a stable society in which all people will live safely. The perpetrators of the attacks on returnees' houses must immediately be found and punished appropriately, so that these unfortunate events would not happen in the future," said Jevtic in a written statement.

Minister for Communities and Returns has said that only the safe life is a guarantee of a better future  in Kosovo.
