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Kosovo office head: Ministerial positions for Serbs (B92, TV Most, KiM radio)

BELGRADE -- Serbia opted to participate in the Kosovo authorities and take on responsibility and expects Serbs to be given ministerial posts, says Marko Đurić.

"Serbia has chosen to take on a considerable part of responsibility for security, economic sustainability and quality of life of the entire Serb community in the province by participating in the Kosovo government," said the director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

Rasic: Constitutive session confusing and shameful (KIM radio)

“First session was at least confusing, whereas in some moments it was even shameful,” said Serb MP in the Kosovo Assembly Nenad Rasic.

Rasic abstained from voting for the Kosovo Assembly speaker and explained to KIM radio that he didn’t want to vote for Isa Mustafa from moral reasons.

“For year and a half before yesterday’s session we advocated for reserved seats…The biggest obstacle in that sense was exactly the LDK and Isa Mustafa,” said Rasic.


Jablanović: The Serbian list showed its strength (KiM radio)

The president of the parliamentary group of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanović, said after the constitution of the Assembly of Kosovo that the Serbian List showed "its strength and constructivism." "As a political entity in the parliament of Kosovo we hope that in the future we will have the opportunity to contribute to the work of the Assembly as it was the case today, when our MP presided over Assembly session," said Jablanović.

Serbs to make a landmark in politics (KIM radio)

“It is necessary for Serbs to participate in the work of Kosovo institutions in order not to bring Serbian community into full isolation,” said the MP from the ranks of the Serbian List in the Kosovo Assembly Slavko Simic.

Simic went on to say that before the Kosovo elections were slated Serbian community has decided to participate in elections in order that Serbs are not brought into ‘complete isolation’ and in order that problems they are facing don’t become even bigger.


Houses for the most vulnerable in Gračanica/Graçanicë (KIM radio)

Five houses will be constructed for the socially vulnerable families who live in Municipality of Gračanica/Graçanicë.

Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtic and Major of Gračanica/Graçanicë Branimir Stojanovic signed an agreement on construction of the houses. Stojanovic said that it is already known which families will move into new houses, and underlined the importance of assistance to socially vulnerable families in the municipality.


Jablanović: Solutions will be discussed with Vucic (KiM Radio)

Decisions about personal solutions for the participation of MPs from the Serbian List in Kosovo Assembly will be made at a meeting with the Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic, said president of the Serbian electoral list, Aleksandar Jablanović. He added that the Serbian List, or the Serbian community in Kosovo, is entitled to one Deputy of the Assembly. According to him, at the inaugural session of the Assembly, which is scheduled for 17 July, the participation of all elected members is expected. 

Parteš leaves SLS, too (KIM radio)

More than 1,100 members of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) municipal branch in Parteš/Partesh, along with the chairperson Nenad Cvetkovic, left the party this morning. Deposition of Jevtic and Nikolic is only a story for media, claim former SLS members. KIM radio learned that such decision was made after last night main board’s session.

Statement signed by Nenad Cvetkovic reads that members of the main board also learned last night that Dalibor Jevtic and Bratislav Nikolic were now deposed, as announced yesterday by the party leadership.


Jevtic: Dissatisfaction over Petrovic’s self-will (KiM Radio)

Dalibor Jevtic told KiM radio that he and four other members of the SLS Main Board left because of dissatisfaction with the party work and self-will of Slobodan Petrovic.

Minister for Communities and Return in Kosovo's government and until recently the executive director of the Independent Liberal Party, Dalibor Jevtic, said that decision to leave the party was made ​​unanimously, after a meeting of the parliamentary committee in Strpce/Shterpce.


SLS: Jevtic and Nikolic deposed (KIM radio)

Independent Liberal Party (SLS) informed that Dalibor Jevtic is deposed from the post of the executive director of the SLS back on 1 July, whereas procedure for deposition of Bratislav Nikolic was launched immediately after parliamentary elections, by which the party negated that they have resigned.

According to the SLS’s handout, deposition of Bratislav Nikolic from the post of the chairperson of the municipal branch will be certified at the next session of the main party board. According to radio’s information, session is set to take place tonight.
