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Adem Jashari Square (KiM Radio)

In Bosnjacka Mahala, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, was set a huge concrete block with a board on which is written the name of KLA leader Adem Jashari. It is assumed that it was a response to building the Square “Tzar Lazar”, near the main bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica. 

On the block was set the mast with Albanian flag and is written in Albanian "Shesi Adem Jashari" which means "Square Adem Jashari". A large concrete block partially obstructs traffic in this multi-ethnic part of town, because it was set in the middle of the crossroad.

The appeal of the Serbian List rejected (KiM radio)

A member of the Central Election Commission, Nenad Rikalo said that the appeal of the Serbian List, related to the distribution of mandates is not considered, because the Supreme Court and the Panel of Appeals noted that it is not within their job description. 

Rikalo said that at the extraordinary session of the Central Election Commission were certified results of early parliamentary elections, held on 8 June. According to the results, the number and distribution of seats in the Kosovo Assembly was unchanged, compared to the results published before the appeal. 

The political crisis leads into a new election (KiM radio)

The political crisis in which the Kosovo society is found may lead to new elections, says analyst Dukagjin Gorani, while Aleksandar Stojanovic believes that citizens are saturated with elections and that they are unnecessary.

Director of the Liberal Democratic Centre in Pristina, Dukagjin Gorani said on TV Show "Dogovor" that the society is currently in limbo due to the political crisis caused because of the forming of a new government therefore there might be new parliamentary elections.

Petrovic: We will request interpretation of the Election law (KiM Radio)

President of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS), Slobodan Petrovic said that after the Central Election Commission (CEC) publishes the official results, the Serbian List will request interpretation of the law related to the MPs’ mandates. As he stated, it remained unclear whether it is necessary to cross the threshold of 5 percent, in order to get additional mandates. 

"We will appeal. We will request an interpretation of the election law, due to different interpretations." 

Djuric: Returnees to return easier (KIM radio)

The Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that Serbia will enable easier return to all who wish to return.

Djuric yesterday met with the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration Simon Henshaw, with whom he discussed problems related to internally displaced persons.  Office for Kosovo issued a handout stating that Djuric highlighted property issues and security as the main reasons that influence implementation of the return of displaced persons.


Mayors to sit at a table (KiM Radio)

Ksenija Bozovic believes that the unrest occurred due to premature removal of the barricades on the Ibar/Iber Bridge that connects North and South Mitrovica.

Pointing out that people were not involved in the removal of barricades from the bridge over the Ibar/Iber River, North Mitrovica Municipal Assembly President Ksenija Bozovic (CI SDP) says that trust is not yet built between Albanians and Serbs, and that it was not time of the removal of barricade.

World Refugee Day marked (KiM Radio)

World Refugee Day was marked in municipality Novo Brdo/Novo Berde, in the presence of Mayor Svetislav Ivanovic, Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, Chief of UNHCR Jo Hegenauer and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations. 

Mayor Ivanovic in his address said that the municipality has contributed to the return and expressed confidence that future strategy will encourage other potential returnees to return and live in this area. 
