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The new government? (KiM radio)

Coalition bloc of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) held a meeting with the Self-Determination Movement and discussed the constitutive session of Parliament, reported Pristina media. Candidate for Kosovo PM in front of this block, Ramush Haradinaj, said he had not yet met with representatives of the Serbian list, in order to explain them the agreement and the role of Self-Determination in the coalition.

Albanian flag at the crossing (KIM radio)

The flag of the Republic of Albania has been posted at the main mast on the Kosovo side at the border crossing Djeneral Jankovic/Hani i Elezit between Kosovo and Macedonia.

Even though placing of flags of other states at Kosovo institutions is forbidden by the law, since it provides that only Kosovo insignia could be placed, authorities in Pristina are giving less and less attention to it.


SNF: Privatization of company ‘Ratar’ should be prevented (KIM radio)

Serbian National Forum (SNF) calls on Serbian government to take immediate measures in order to prevent liquidation of the agriculture company ‘Ratar’ from Laplje Selo.

According to the NGO’s statement, former company ‘Ratar’ used to manage around 1.000 hectares of land of the best quality with the biggest producing capabilities. This land is situated at the outskirts of villages of Lapje Selo, Čaglavica, Preoce, Sušica, Livađe and Gračanica/Graqanicë.


Freedom of movement cost up to 10,000 euros (KiM radio)

Insurance for vehicles in Kosovo and Serbia is too expensive and detrimental for the citizens and drivers, it was said today at a conference in Caglavica.

Despite the announced reduction of insurance by the Kosovo police, drivers traveling from the direction of Kosovo and central Serbia still pay high insurance for their vehicles.

Negotiator Borko Stefanovic, who at that time represented the Belgrade team and Edita Tahiri a representative of Pristina, said that this agreement will bring relief to the citizens.

We will be part of the solution, not the problem (KiM radio)

“The Serbian List doesn’t want to be a part of the problem, but part of the solution,” said Kosovo deputy PM, Slobodan Petrovic, adding that the position of the Serbian List did not change. "We are ready to take part of the responsibility, not only in parliament but also in the government. We will support the party, or coalition, that has a majority, and thus will demonstrate our willingness to solve problems, "said Petrovic.

Students without transportation and today (KIM radio)

School buses, which are transporting students from villages to schools in central Kosovo, did not appear this morning too, as on Monday. In the secondary Economic School in Laplje Selo say that some students have made their own arrangements majority of them didn’t come to school.

In the company in charge for student’s transportation say that they are not able to provide transportation since buses’ registration has expired.


New SLS election board in Gnjilane/Gjilan (KIM radio)

The new board of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) has been established in Gnjilane/Gjilan, headed by Dejan Stankovic.
Following the election of the board’s chairperson, Stankovic said that “new team of people is ready to work and fight, with dedication, enthusiasm and constructive ideas, for better, safer and more successful Gnjilane and surrounding”.
