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Crisis of Kosovo institutions discussed in Berlin (KiM radio)

A three-member delegation of the Serb political representatives, consisting of the Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, Mayor of Strpce/Shtrpce, Bratislav Nikolic and MP Sasa Milosavljevic is visiting Berlin.

As announced by the Ministry for Communities and Return, three Serbian representatives met with Christian Schwarz-Schilling, MP of the ruling CDU, and introduced him with the current political situation in Kosovo, noting that institutional crisis is affecting the lives of citizens.

Jablanovic: The SLS policy for us is the past (KiM Radio)

It is important that the Serbs are in the Government of Kosovo, but the policy of the SLS, should not be continued, analysts say. Alexander Jablanovic says that politics of the Serbian list has nothing to do with the SLS's.

Analyst Stojan Jovanovic said that for the first time after the 1999, Serbs have a consistent policy, which, he said, cannot be said for the previous political set, which participated in the previous term in Kosovo institutions.

Mladenovic: Albanian language should be introduced in Serbian schools and vice versa (KIM radio)

“Albanian language should be introduced in Serbian schools, and Serbian language in Albanian schools,” said Language Commissioner Slavisa Mladenovic on the occasion of the celebration of the World Day of Languages in Pristina, sponsored by the OSCE mission in Kosovo and the Office of Language Commissioner.


Women do not decide (KiM Radio)

Although the position of women in Kosovo is better than before, they are still excluded from the decision-making process, concluded the participants in the debate held in Caglavica.

Conclusion of the debate on "The situation of women in Kosovo" was that the rights and position of women in Kosovo is better than before, but there are still problems that the female part of the population face every day.

UN Women Executive Director, Flora Macula said that their participation in the decision-making process is at an unsatisfactory level.

Gorani: Compromise or extraordinary elections (KIM radio)

Debate dubbed “Role, importance and influence of the community of Serbian municipalities (CSM) in implementation of the Brussels Agreement” was held in Media Center in Caglavica/Çagllavicë yesterday and the conclusion of participants is that the main role of the community of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo is to institutionally and economically strengthen Serbian community.


UNDP: There will be challenges in the coming 15 years (KiM radio)

UNDP has significantly contributed to the advancement of the rule of law in Kosovo, developing skilled personnel and gender equality, said a report presented to mark the 15th anniversary of the organization in Kosovo.

UNDP chief in Kosovo, Andrew Russell, said that the role of international organizations becomes over the years increasingly important in Kosovo.

Russell said that UNDP prepared a good strategy to continue establishing the rule of law in Kosovo, as well as strategies for reducing unemployment, more effective legislation and many other areas.

More money for the return (KiM Radio)

The outgoing head of the UNHCR Joe Hegenauer and Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic believe that more money is needed for the return of displaced persons to Kosovo.

Jevtic and Hegenauer talked about the return of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities from the camps in Macedonia and Montenegro.

The two officials agreed that additional funds are needed for continuation of the project, because, as they said, there are other families that are interested in returning to Kosovo, the ministry statement said.

Janjic: Brussels dialogue is not interrupted (KiM radio)

The Serbian list decided not to enter the Kosovo government if Self-determination movement is part of it. President of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Dusan Janjic said that it is imposed decision. "Let us remember that the Serbian list already made a big mistake a month ago. Then, the Serbian list voted for the selection of Isa Mustafa, whose party then had Self-determination as a partner," said Janjic.

"Poor results of the Brussels talks" (KiM radio)

The results of dialogue in Brussels did not contribute to establishing trust between Serbs and Albanians, it was agreed at the debate, "Reconstruction of the Future" held in Belgrade.

The debate indicated that the representatives of the political elite in Belgrade and Pristina lack sincerity, and that praises about the achievements of the dialogue in Brussels are unfounded.