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Fear from Jihadists in Mitrovica North (Vesti)

Many Serbs in northern Kosovo sent their children to the schools in central Serbia, because they are afraid that jihadists will attack Mitrovica North.  “Wahhabis have a strong foothold in the Bosnjacka Mahala for years, which is just a step away from our houses. They are often sending us messages, through intermediaries or phone, to move out, threatening that “it will be blood to the knees.” Threats are not harmless. Those are people who fought on the side of the KLA and who are now under the command of the Islamic state.

Belgrade: Everyone will be settled (Danas)

Based on the agreement reached in Brussels, Kosovo government yesterday adopted decision on ‘dissolution of the so called civil protection in municipalities in northern Kosovo and their integration into Kosovo institutions’.  This decision follows the commitments of the Kosovo government deriving from the Brussels dialogue with Serbia and serves as a legal basis for integration of 483 individuals into legitimate Kosovo institutions, reads the statement published on the web page of the Kosovo government.


Pristina manipulating population figures (Vesti)

The Mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviç Municipality Dragan Jablanović yesterday stated that Pristina is manipulating with numbers of Kosovo Serbs in northern Kosovo and with numbers of Albanians living in the south of the Ibar/Ibër River. He explained that thousands of Serbs are erased from the registers whereas thousands of non-existing Albanians are added to registers.

Kosovo government: Priština and Belgrade confirmed the agreement on mutual "recognition" of medicines (Kossev)

The Kosovo government announced that the official Belgrade and Pristina reached an agreement on the mutual recognition of certificates of medications, after the notification which both parties gave to the European Union, on accepting the agreement. This agreement for Kosovo side means that drugs that are sent from Serbia to Kosovo, now enter "legally on the market of Kosovo", but also that Kosovo "is allowed" to export products to the Serbian market.

Detention Centre in Mitrovica lacks capacity (Kontakt plus Radio)

In the Detention Centre in Northern Mitrovica are people who are sentenced to several years of imprisonment, which is not in accordance with the Kosovo Law on Enforcement of legal sanctions, but neither in accordance with international laws and norms. Director of the Detention Centre Milan Radojevic says that in this institution can serve only persons who have been sentenced up to three months in prison.  "Detention Centre in Mitrovica is not the place where prisoners sentenced to long-term prison sentences should serve them.

Far away from solution for energy in Kosovo (Politika)

Kosovo side is still silent with regard to Serbia’s request for registration of the electricity supply company ‘Elektrodistribucija’ North – Zubin Potok.

Serbian side will need time and patience in order to reach agreement over energy issues in Kosovo and Metohija. Negotiators in this area are most distant from reaching any agreement, Belgrade-based daily Politka learned in the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

Humanitarian aid for North Mitrovica Hospital Maternity Department blocked again (KoSSev)

Delegation of the Students’ Parliament of University in North Mitrovica that was transporting humanitarian aid in equipment from Serbia proper to North Mitrovica Hospital Maternity Department, has been stopped again at integrated crossing Jarinje. The same shipment was also blocked from entering Kosovo on 10 June due to alleged lack of a license issued by Kosovo institutions.

Representatives of the Students’ Parliament were told that they are again missing an accompanying paperwork for the shipment.

Caterpillar destroys already reached agreement (Vecernje Novosti)

The Mayor of North Mitrovica, Goran Rakic, yesterday protested in Brussels due to the violation of already reached agreement, in the eve of the new round of the Brussels dialogue. Rakic criticized the decision of local Albanians to resume the construction works in the suburb Brdjani in North Mitrovica, until the issue of the return of displaced persons to that suburb is not settled.