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Marko Djuric to visit Oliver Ivanovic (Kontakt plus radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric will visit today leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic, who is in custody in Mitrovica.

Djuric will today lay a corner stone for the building of twelve housing units in the village Banjska (Zvecan/Zveqan), then will visit another building in Mali Zvecan, which is in the final stages of construction, intended to accommodate displaced people. During the day will meet and the Serbian political representatives from the north.


No clashes between police officers in the north (Kontakt Plus radio)

The news agency Kosovapress carried that two police officers clashed on Tuesday in the police station in Mitrovica North. Kosovapress reported that the clash broke out between a former Serbian MUP member integrated into Kosovo police and his colleague from the Kosovo police, and that there are tensions between those two groups of police officers in the north.


USAID and the EU to invest in the north of Kosovo (Politika)

Mitrovica - Representatives of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) today will begin the reconstruction of the Parliament building in Leposavic/Leposaviq, which will be equipped and technologically, and a children's playground in the village Sočanica will be built. In these two projects will be invested $ 100,000, said to Politika Dragan Jablanović, Mayor Leposavic/Leposaviq.

The works will, according to him, perform two Serbian companies that USAID chose through the tender - one from Zvečan/Zveqan and the other from Gracanica.

Serbs below the threshold (Danas)

According to preliminary results from the processed 2,352, out of 2,374 polling stations in Kosovo, the Democratic Party of Kosovo won Kosovo early parliamentary elections with 30.69 percent of the vote. Threshold was crossed by the Democratic League of Kosovo, the Self-Determination Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative for Kosovo. Pacolli's Alliance for Kosovo with 4.65 percent remained below the threshold as well as the Serbian list with 4.21 percent of the vote. 

Jablanovic: I believe we will have over 5 percent of votes (Tanjug)

Aleksandar Jablanovic, who heads the Srpska electoral list, believes that it will have over five percent of votes won in the Kosovo early elections once the ballots cast by voters in northern Kosovo and internally displaced persons are counted.

The votes cast in northern Kosovo in Sunday's early legislative elections are still being counted, and the votes of displaced persons for the Kosovo assembly have not been processed yet, Jablanovic told reporters in Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday.

Trajkovic: Current mayors in the north, same as parallel ones (Koha)

The decision of the Serb local leaders from northern municipalities to quietly boycott elections of 8 June, has irritated Serbs from the other parts of Kosovo. The justification of the northerners that their boycott is related to Kosovo’s state symbols in the ballots is not considered sustainable at all by the other leaders of this community.

Belgrade, and Vucic’s Government, which calls for participation in elections through a single press release, is being criticized as well.

Cornerstones laid for residential buildings in K. Mitrovica (TV Most,Tanjug)

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Officials of the Kosovska Mitrovica self-government authorities on Thursday laid the cornerstones for two buildings in the local Brdjani residential area and another in Suvi Do.

The construction works in Brdjani are expected to be completed in 150 days and all contractors are from the territory of Kosovo-Metohija.

The project, funded by the Kosovska Mitrovica interim municipal authority, is worth nearly RSD 30 million.

World Environment Day (Radio Kontakt Plus)

World Environment Day on June 5th will be marked and in Mitrovica with some cleaning and arranging grean spaces.

Scouts ''797'' from Zvečan/Zveqan, under the auspices of UNDP, organizes cleaning of picnic areas on Thursday, June 5th. Gathering and departure of volunteers is at 14.45 in front of the premises of JAZAS. We invite all citizens of Mitrovica to join the action. For all participants are provided refreshments, toiletries and T-shirts.
