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Ivanovic’s lawyers are still waiting for a written judgment (KiM radio)

The EULEX panel of judges, which sentenced Oliver Ivanovic to nine years in prison, has not submitted a written judgment to his defense, stated his lawyer Nebojsa Vlajić. The deadline for submission of the judgment in the official form is 15 days, but according to the law, the court may request an extension of 60 days, which was done in this case. The deadline for delivery of the judgment expires on 4 April. “I hope that the judge will prepare and deliver a judgment within the statutory period,” said Vlajić.

Lawyers have not received Ivanovic case judgement (TV Most)

Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanović announced that "twenty-three days since the EULEX panel announced Oliver Ivanovic's political sentence due to political pressure and lack of professionalism, a legal team, professionals and the general public are still waiting for the judgment." SDP emphasizes that "obviously it is problematic to write a judgement explaining why Ivanovic has been condemned, seeing as the witnesses were not able to connect him with the indictment.

Citizens protest in support of Oliver Ivanovic (Dailies)

Citizens have gathered in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica on Friday, in support of leader of the Citizens' Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic, sentenced to nine years in prison on war crimes charges.

Protesters are carrying Serbian flags and banners reading “Freedom for Ivanovic”. Serbs from all parts of Kosovo have come to the protest, including the displaced ones.

A protest in support of Ivanovic in Mitrovica (NMagazin)

In support of Oliver Ivanovic, an upcoming protest has been announced in Mitrovica to take place on Friday at eleven o'clock.

The protest will be held in the city centre, and the organizers invite the public to come together and express dissent "against the shameful political verdict against Oliver Ivanovic."

The protest is being organized by Ivanovic's friends, members of his legal team and the residents of Kosovo.

Nikolić: I would insist on Chapter 35 (TV Most)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said that he believes that Serbia should primarily insist on Chapter 35 relating to Kosovo and on receiving an advance copy of the legally binding agreement text. "We should get the text so as to immediately be able to decide whether we want to go forward with it or not" said Nikolic for TV Pink.

However, even the constant opening of chapters with Brussels is good for Serbia, because it means introducing Serbia to the order of modern states, he added.

Simic: I believe that the court will fix the mistake (TV Most)

President of the Serbian list Slavko Simic says that the ruling made by the Basic Court in Mitrovica in Oliver Ivanovic's case is political and he hopes that the judges will correct this mistake with the appeal.

Simic says that it is absolutely clear to everyone that the judgment is based on principles other than law and justice, and that it is a political verdict that sends a very negative message to the Serbs.

Maric: No subsitute for the Brussels dialogue (RTS)

The upcoming round of talks in Brussels should result in the statute on the establishment of A/CSM. Ljubomir Maric coordinator of the team for establishing the Association/ Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM) said that there is no substitute for dialogue. "The two sides pledged to implement agreements resulting from the dialogue and so far we have seen that the Serbian government has implemented everything that was agreed.

Conclusions of the court deny Ivanovic's guilt! (Vecernje Novosti)

Oliver Ivanovic was director of the state company "Feronikl", at the time of the commission of war crimes in Kosovo in April 1999,  and it has been found that he was not a leader of the paramilitary group that carried out the crime. Ivanovic did not issue an order for the execution of the crime, and he was not directly involved in the killings. These are the conclusions of the Trial Chamber of the Municipal Court in northern Mitrovica, which sentenced Oliver Ivanovic to nine years in prison for alleged war crimes.