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Terrorist Albanian National Army "appears" in Kosovo (B92, KoSSev)

Armed and uniformed members of the so-called Albanian National Army (ANA; AKSh) "have appeared in the region of Southern (Kosovska) Mitrovica."
This has been reported by the northern-Kosovo based website Kossev, which cited as its source.

A journalist working for the website said he was present during the inspection of "the 21st brigade" of what Kossev said is "a paramilitary structure that is officially designated a terrorist formation."

Solana supports Ivanovic (TV Most)

Former Secretary-General of NATO and chief of European Union diplomacy Javier Solana is one of the persons who supported the leader of SDP Oliver Ivanovic in the case led by EULEX court in Mitrovica, according to which he was sentenced to nine years in prison. Thanks to him, as well as other officials such as General William Nash and former UNMIK Administrator for Mitrovica James Fitt, foreign legal experts will be included in writing Ivanovic's appeal against the judgment.

Health Center in North Mitrovica promoted to a Clinical Hospital Center (TV Most)

“As of today this is not called the Health Center, this is Clinical Hospital Center (KBC) Kosovska Mitrovica,” Serbian Minister for Health Zlatibor Loncar said yesterday in North Mitrovica. In the presence of the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, Loncar said that Serbia will continue to help Serbian people in Kosovo in its struggle to survive.

Statement by the Office for KIM: We will not allow abolishment of University (KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

"On the occasion of speculation and false rumours related to the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, which were unsigned and released through certain media in Pristina, the Office for KiM announces the following:

Four EULEX vehicles damaged in Mitrovica (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Police in Mitrovica declared today that four official EULEX vehicles were damaged during the night of 17 March, at around 00:30 hours, at the EULEX parking lot.

Kosovo Police visited the site and stressed that damages were made in the form of scratches and broken window glass. The case has been initiated and it is being investigated as “damage of property.”

University of Pristina with the seat in Mitrovica has national significance (Kontakt plus Radio)

Vice President of the Student Parliament of Pristina University, temporary relocated to the Mitrovica North, Jovan Aleksic said that this institution has a national significance which is not sufficiently recognized and exploited. Aleksic said that without the university Mitrovica would be more of an urban enclave in Kosovo, doomed to disappear. "We should be aware that more than 10,000 students study at Pristina University, which means more than 10,000 future teachers, doctors, engineers, linguists, etc.

Vetevendosje against initiative to rename Mitrovica municipality (Lajmi)

Vetevendosje Movement has reacted against a decision reportedly taken by Kosovo Minister of Local Government and Administration Ljubomir Maric to rename the southern part of the Mitrovica municipality to Mitrovica South. Vetevendosje said the decision “is yet another step towards factual partition of Mitrovica and of Kosovo.” Vetevendosje MP Aida Derguti said the Movement anticipated these problems ever since the Ahtisaari status package was negotiated back in 2006.