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Parliamentary committee condemns KP director’s arrest as unacceptable and arbitrary (media)

Kosovo Assembly’s foreign affairs committee is expected to come out with a joint statement condemning the arrest of the Kosovo Police director for Mitrovica region, Nehat Thaçi, by Serbian authorities. Committee’s chairman, Elmi Reçica, said Thaçi’s arrest was unacceptable while head of the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, Pal Lekaj, said the arrest does not contribute to normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

AAK condemns attack on RTK Director’s house (media)

Most media report that the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has condemned Sunday’s attack on the house of RTK Director Mentor Shala. AAK parliamentary group chief, Pal Lekaj, said the attack is unacceptable. “It is not in Albanian tradition to attack the family regardless of the reasons. The family is sacred! The situation however becomes even more unbearable given that this is the fourth incident of its kind and law enforcement authorities don’t even have an investigation course.


Room for consensus after Biden’s visit (RTK)

The ruling coalition will have to secure by September 1 the necessary votes in parliament to ratify the border-demarcation deal with Montenegro. Opposition parties meanwhile have not changed their position on the matter. Political analysts in Pristina argue that the remaining period must be used to try and reach consensus.

Lekaj: Government commission should be dismissed (Tribuna)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP, Pal Lekaj, said on Tuesday that during the border-demarcation debate organized for 3 August, the AAK will call for the current demarcation commission to be dismissed and for a new mixed commission to be established for this issue. “The current commission has an obligation to participate in the debate on 3 August, since it is being organized by the Kosovo Assembly.

Lekaj: No more teargas in the Assembly (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) parliamentary group chiefs called on their opposition colleagues not to ratify the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Pal Lekaj from AAK said that all the MPs should say no to demarcation, for they have a duty to protect the interests of  the citizens. He said there will be no more teargas in the Assembly, since according to him, the gas has already shown its results and there is no need to be used again.

Lekaj to MPs: Demarcation deal will be a crime (media)

Most news websites cover Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP Pal Lekaj’s call to other MPs not to ratify the current version of the border demarcation deal with Montenegro. “If you think by ratifying an agreement that is damaging for the country will help you stay in power for longer, perhaps in the political sense you could be right, but nature has its own rules and once you are no longer in power, the future generations will rightfully judge you as traitors. More than a mistake, the ratification of the demarcation deal will be a crime.

Police arrest AAK MP Pal Lekaj (media)

Several news sites report that the Kosovo Police arrested Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP Pal Lekaj as he was leaving the Assembly premises today. Lekaj is believed to have set off one of the teargas canisters in today’s session of the Assembly. The AAK issued a press release confirming Lekaj’s arrest. “The AAK strongly condemns the political actions of the police against the MPs and their family members. There is no force that can turn us back from the righteous cause of defending the Constitution and the territorial sovereignty of Kosovo.

AAK, Vetevendosje: Mustafa and Thaci continue repressive measures against opposition (Koha)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has issued a press release accusing Kosovo political leaders of persecuting opposition members following the call to the party’s senior official Pal Lekaj to report to the prosecutor’s office. AAK said is it unacceptable and hypocritical of the government to, on one hand, make calls for dialogue, and on the other, to continue repressive measures against the opposition representatives.