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Bishop Irinej: Maximum compromise is already offered (Tanjug, Blic)

The Bishop of Backa Eparchy and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) Spokesperson, Irinej Bulovic said that the invitation for internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija is „fully appropriate and useful“ expressing belief that the stance of the SOC would be not to offer additional concessions to Pristina, since „the maxim compromise from the Serbian side is already offered,“ Tanjug news agency reported.

Speaking for Radio Belgrade first programme broadcast “Sedmica” Bishop Irinej said that the issue of Kosovo is a “Gordian knot” requiring “essential and nationwide” response.

Patriarch of Alexandria and Africa Teodor II visits Kosovo (RTK2)

Patriarch of Alexandria and Africa, Teodor II, accompanied by the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej visited yesterday the Pec Patriarchate and after that Visoki Decani Monastery, RTK2 reported.

Patriarch Teodor II said he is very happy to visit the monasteries in Kosovo, which he considers as Serbian Jerusalem.

Bishop Irinej response to Zorana Mihajlovic: What did Patriarch say wrongly? (Sputnik)

Reaction of the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister, Zorana Mihajlovic on the statement of the Patriarch Irinej given to Novosti daily and related to the internal dialogue on Kosovo, apart from being confused due to its illogic, causes doubts on the essence and possibility of a dialogue, the way it was described on several occasions by the President Vucic, said Serbian Orthodox Church Bishop of Backa Irinej, Sputnik reported.

Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej on Kosovo internal dialogue (Novosti)

Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej, commenting the invitation of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on internal dialogue on Kosovo, stated that Kosovo must not be alienated nor bestowed.

“We appeal to our statesmen they must never give consent to the alienation of Kosovo, because what was taken by force, can be returned, but what is bestowed to someone, it is lost forever, and Serbs and Serbia must not allow that to happen,” stated Patriarch Irinej to RTS.

Vucic’s call for nationwide dialogue on Kosovo issue – debate is ongoing (Blic, Novosti, KIM Radio)

Serbian media are still extensively reporting on the call made by the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to initiate a nationwide dialogue on the Kosovo issue.

Yesterday Serbian opposition parties, as reported by Danas daily, expressed different stances on the matter ranging from clear opposition to the dialogue to the possibility of giving it a chance.

Novosti daily reported today that the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts are ready to get involved in the dialogue.

Office for KiM: Cultural heritage is not protected by padlocks (KIM radio)

Representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church were prevented to access the Temple of Christ the Saviour in Pristina, says the statement of the Diocese of Raška and Prizren.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija says concerning this case that behind the "unauthorized locking" of the Temple of Christ the Saviour in Pristina hides an attempt to "completely delete all traces of the existence of the Serbian people in this city."

"A symbol of repression which should remain just that" (Kosovo 2.0)

Opinion piece by Garentina Kraja. Kraja studied political science at Yale University. She served as a foreign policy and security adviser for President Atifete Jahjaga and prior to that she was a journalist at Koha Ditore during 1999-2000 and the Associated Press correspondent in Kosovo from 2001 through 2007.

Shpend Ahmeti: The church a political, not religious issue (KIM radio)

Question of the temple of Christ the Saviour is a sensitive political issue that should be resolved in the Parliament of Kosovo, says the mayor of Pristina, Shpend Ahmeti visiting the show "Dogovor!?".

Ahmeti claims that he is not for the demolition of the temple, but he is committed to the fight against the injustice that was done during the Milošević regime, that seized 4.2 hectares of land from the University and gave it to Serbian Orthodox Church.

Kozarev informs the OSCE about the difficult position of Kosovo Serbs (Kossev)

Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dušan Kozarev informed the participants of the OSCE Summit "Human dimension" about the problems that face the Serbs in Kosovo and presented numerous examples of endangering the fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms.