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Analyst: Temple of Christ the Saviour could be restored if Teodosije and Stojanović would seek the restoration of the Ibar mosque (Kossev, Slobodno Srpski)

Political analyst Nexhmedin Spahiu says that the question of the Temple of the Christ the Saviour in Pristina could been resolved if the Bishop of the Diocese of Raška and Prizren Teodosije and Deputy Prime Minister, Branimir Stojanović would seek the restoration of the mosque in North Mitrovica, which is located next to the main bridge.

Albanian students: The temple to convert into a museum (Kontakt plus radio)

Albanian students gathered in front of the temple of Christ the Saviour in Pristina, demanding to convert the facility of the Serbian Orthodox Church into a museum which would "represent a massacre and genocide committed by Serbia in Kosovo."

In front the unfinished temple of Christ the Saviour gathered around dozen of students of the University of Pristina.


Žbogar: Kosovo is only possible as a multi-ethnic (KIM radio, Jedinstvo)

The outgoing EU Special Envoy for Kosovo Samuel Žbogar says that his aim was to assist in promoting a peaceful, democratic and multi-ethnic Kosovo and in this sense he is leaving the position pleased.

He, however, says in an interview for daily Jedinstvo, that there are still a lot of open issues for the multi-ethnic Kosovo, but that the EU sees the multi-ethnic Kosovo as the only possible variant of Kosovo and is working to strengthen it.

The Church won’t be touched during excavations (KIM Radio)

The search for postmortem human remains will be conducted next week in the yard of the Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina, however the Church won’t be touched, said the head of the Kosovo Commission for Missing Persons, Prenk Gjetaj. He dismissed reports of some Belgrade-based media that intention of Pristina is to undermine the foundations of the Church.

Church property in Kosovo - there is nothing to negotiate (KiM Radio)

Abbess of Sokolica monastery, Makarija, said that the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in Kosovo are indisputable church belongings. "The property of SPC was registered long ago in historic deeds, and more recently in the cadaster of each municipality. The assets of Sokolica monastery, and of all other monasteries and temples, are indisputable SPC property," said Abbess Makarija.

Church of the Christ Savior main entrance doors sealed (Kontakt Plus Radio, RTK2)

Kosovo Ministry of Spatial Planning yesterday sealed the main entrance doors at the Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina, aimed at preventing further desecration of the church. An axillary entry door will still remain in function and, according to unofficial information, a set of spare keys will be handed over to the European Commission.

Ahmeti: Indecent and ignorant behavior of protesters (RTK2, RTS)

The Mayor of Pristina, Shpend Ahmeti, who comes from the ranks of Self-determination movement said to RTK2 that issue of legalization the Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina is going to be dealt with by the court and added that this issue is more of a political nature. He also described recent urination of protesters in the church as indecent and ignorant.