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Church in Babin Most village robbed (Radio KIM)

Unknown perpetrators robbed the Serbian Orthodox Church of Holly Virgin and parish house in the village of Babin Most, nearby Obilic on Friday evening, KIM Radio reported.

The village inhabitants noticed the church was robbed and reported the case to the police. The church door was broken, money from the church stolen, and a window was broken on the parish house.

According to Jovica Nikolic, the chairperson of a local Church Council, inhabitants are concerned and worried over uncertainty. They do not know what to expect, Nikolic said.

KIM Radio: Raska-Prizren Eparchy - We are sorry if someone feels personally exposed (KIM Radio)

“For our Church, division of Kosovo and Metohija often mentioned in the media, is not only a political matter, but the matter of destiny of dozen thousands of our believers and the most important holy shrines,” Raska-Prizren Eparchy said in a statement, KIM Radio reported.

The reaction came following a wave of attacks by Serbian authorities’ representatives and the media, after the Eparchy issued an appeal “on the division of Kosovo and Metohija,” KIM Radio recalled.

SNF: Srpska Lista does not act on behalf of Serb people (FoNet, Danas)

Serb National Forum (SNF) said yesterday it disagrees with the statement of Srpska Lista (SL) that “majority stance” of the Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija is to support any solution Belgrade proposes for the Kosovo issue, Danas daily reported.

Serbian Orthodox Church: Kosovo Government to pay rent (Danas, Radio Free Europe)

Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo does not ask for financial help from the Kosovo Government, but to pay the rent for using the premise owned by the Serbian Orthodox Church in Pristina, where Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency is seated, Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery Father Sava Janjic told Radio Free Europe.

According to Radio Free Europe, Kosovo Government told them they have completed that obligation. The premise used by the Anti-Corruption Agency according to cadastral records belongs to the Serbian Orthodox Church Saint Nikola Temple in Pristina.

Vucic: You do not want delineation? And in 40 years we will defend Vranje (RTS, TV Most)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic warned that if Kosovo and Metohija issue is not resolved, in 20 years Serbia would lose everything, RTS reported. President Vucic was asked to comment on an appeal sent by the Serbian Orthodox Church Raska-Prizren Eparchy Bishop Teodosije, expressing concern over statements by some politicians from both sides regarding delineation.

In an appeal, Bishop Teodosije warned that division of the territories would lead to the departure of Serbs from the southern province and destruction of cultural heritage.

Appeal from Kosovo and Metohija by Bishop Teodosije regarding statements of some politicians about the partition of Kosovo (Raska-Prizren Eparchy website)

As a Bishop of Raška and Prizren and an Archpastor of the Orthodox Christians in the regions of Kosovo, Metohija and Raška, with tremendous pastoral and moral responsibility I feel the need to express my grave concern regarding a series of political statements on Kosovo-Metohija in the recent time which fill our hearts with increasing uncertainty and disquiet.

“There are no constitutional and legal foundations for referendum” (Danas)

A group of Serbian academics, politicians, public personalities and heads of the Serbian Orthodox Church Monasteries in a written statement published by Belgrade-based daily Danas warned President Vucic that “signing of legally-binding agreement on comprehensive normalization of relations with Kosovo or division of Kosovo and Metohija between Serbia and so-called Kosovo would be the most defeating act in a modern Serbian history.”